Chapter 24: Jealousy.

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Hiccup's POV

"Goodmorning Toothless!" I greeted. I then stretched my body a bit then walked down with Toothless. I then scratched my head and felt pain. "Ouch!"

"Rrrgggghhrrrr" Roared Toothless.

(Translation: Be careful.)

"Yeah. it's kind of fine Toothless." Then silence covered up

"So be it Astrid." I said as I whispered my self then walked with her axe at the top of the cliff where I found Arthur and her kissed.

I tried few thing for training. I pulled a tree which is not that big like it's just the right sie to be lifted then I threw it away. 

Then I grabbed the axe again, I aimed with my two fingers. I shooted the tree in the middle point, bullseye!

"Toothless, you know what to do bud." I said ordering Toothless. Then he managed to fly himself and attach the targets at the tree branches. So then I grabbed a bucket filled with axes and put it in his sidebag. We flew to every target and as we pass it,I threw my axes at each of them Perfect aim means BULLSEYE!

We finished the Axe Throwing now, I came back to the Arena and set up the running course. Toothless put sacks below it so when I fall, theres something to catch me with.

"Come on now." I said "I'm a viking!" I shouted 

"I'm a viking!" I lastly shouted then kept running in the spinning wheel.


Astrid's POV

"Hiccup, no. I love you" I said in mind while flying with Stormfly and Harry with Spinefly.

"Y'know Astrid, you need to say the truth to Hiccup." He adviced.

"How come and what's so special?" I asked.

"Did I already told you about how I know love a lot?" He joked.

"Never did." I said.

"Well, here is how it goes." He said. "But first, we should land in my secret cave!" He continued.

"Okay?" I told him as we entered a secret path beneath the bushes. "This is nice." I said.

"Why thank you." He replied nicely. "Come on, this way." He invited hurriedly.

We walked through the end of the cliff and saw him walking down. I never realized the stairs existed , was just covered with dry leaves and twigs and such. I sat on a rock while he sat on a stump.

Harry's POV

Five years ago, it was a good day I can say, but then we we're having a celebration for the acceptance of me in there home Island, at Whimpshire Island. We are also peaced with dragons out there. I lived with my mom and the only person of my life that I knew. Her name was Elizabeth. and My dad's name is Teridor, the great ruler of our tribe. 

So then, I saw a girl named Aisha. She was perfect and bright as a star. She knew a lot in training dragons too. She's one of the greatest trainers too, like Hiccup. I tried to talk to her but I was scared and afraid because I know no one since I was new to this Island. 

If may haven't told you yet, I am just an oprhan. I'm originally from.. Outcast Island .. but my parents were being tortured there. Once then Alvin ordered his Whispering Death to kill my mom. When dad tried to protect her, the Whispering Death shook spines at my dad straight in the body and my mom died full of burns in her body. My mom told me that whenever anything bad happens, just keep running away. Thats when I reached Whimpshire Island.

Continuing about Aisha, I liked her for years or decades already since I was 10 years old (currently now 18). For once, I tried to tell her but when I did , she kept laughing making me feel down and embarassed because of what I did. All people did laugh at me because I was just 12 years old that time. 

After 4 years, which I'm now 16. I was surprised that she went to my house where I hided myself for weeks. She talked to me and asked me if I still liked her. I've changed that time. I saw.. I saw.. Arthur, Arthur kissed her in the celebration which made me felt bad. Arthur is a popular guy in our village and I'm just a weak talking fishbone like Hiccup before as you mentioned. She kept asking me if I like her and I keep denying her because of  her, everyone laughs at me when I go out of our house. 

I did the things she did to me. After I rejected her for many times, she kept begging and asking me if I like her. But I accepted her, Arthur will be beating me up and start to threaten me again. That's why somehow I can't consider t trust Arthur in a way of showing concern. 

Again, when I talked to mom before she died, she convinced Arthur not to beat me up again because if he do, he's consequence is avoiding flame throwers and crossbows for a whole week. So then, one day Aisha came to ask me again but this time. I accepted her which caused Arthur to become real mad. But then, after her madness to mom and dad on punishing him, he released all our untamed dragons and ruined the celebration. My mom managed to escape but she was still caught by the end of the endless cliff. She took one step backward then the dragon roared that made her stepback and fall the the endless cliff of spines and die and as for my father Teridor, he was killed by a dragon too which was a.. a.. Hideous Zippleback. Father ran inside our house to get the armors but he was too late. 

Up on him reaching our house, the other head sneaked in the window and filled the room with gas which cause my father to lose breath because of the Ammonium Nitrate and Anhydrous Hyrdrazine leadng him to death and as the other head igniting it, burning him.

"End of story." I said.

"I see now." Astrid replied.

(A/N: There you have it! thanks for reading! :))

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