Chapter 14: Newly Discovered

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/ Meanwhile in the Outcast Island /

Alvin's POV

"Don't bother escaping boy, we got you covered." Savage tells Hiccup greedily.

"Now! Tell us your dragon secrets or die!" I told Hiccup angrily.

"I'd rather be decapitated or anything to kill me but I will never tell you about the dragons." He exclaims shouting.

"Guards! Put him n the middle of the training area, we are going to watch him survive" Alvin commands.

Hiccup's POV

They tossed me inside there Training Area with a lot of dragon cells containing powerful dragons.

"I wonder?" I taught my self thinking.

"Oi. Let him have it!" Alvin tells the guards to release a dragon from a cell.

"Please be a nadder.  Please be a nadder" I repeated to my self wishing on.

Then a dragon with flaming body came out of it's cell. I finally noticed it was 'Monstrous Nightmare'

"Think Hiccup! Oh right, a shield!" I thinked on running over the shields.

I grabbed a shield for the mean second , I almost reached it but the Nightmare blasted a powerful fireball making few of the weapons toss over the other edge of the area where I was now.

"Now!" Savage shouted as I heard I don't know why.

"Yes sir." An out cast guard replied then pulled a switch.

Omniscient's POV

The Out Cast Guards released like 10 dragons as the following includes: Whispering Death , Changewing, Scauldron, Gronckle and a Skrill.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Panicking Hiccup shouting going round of the area.

Toothless' ears getting wild like he hears Hiccup in trouble. Toothless shakes his head like he knows a way to rescue Hiccup.

"Lead the way Toothless" Astrid said worrying. T_T

Then they ran and ran and ran until they reached the Training Area where they saw Hiccup was running to avoid the wild dragons attacking him. Toothless fired out a powerful plasma blast as of he did in the Monstrous Nightmare in the feature film. He tried saving Hiccup but the result is a.. SUCCESS!

"Yes!!" Cheered everyone.

"Ehh. Seize them!" Alvin commands as he sees everyone on. 

Toothless and Hiccup almost flies away but they got captured on a net. 

"Dragons everyone!" Stoick asked everyone.

"You better thik of that Sir" Said Tuffnut laughing. 

"Where are the dragons Astrid? Fishlegs?" Stoick asked panicking in.

"Guys! Look!" Snotlout yelled from the back pointing in the skies.

We noticed our dragons flying through Hiccup and Toothless' direction tied up in the net. 

"Holy.. buckets.." Stoick taught himself like he can't believe it.

As the dragons rescue Hiccup, here how's it goes: Gronckles covered Hiccup & Toothless in the middle with lava cornered so the Out Cast soldiers can't reach in them. Deadly Nadders and Monstrous Nightmares covered around, making the soldiers fly away from them. Few of the Terrible Terrors helped them as they cutted the ropes and net tied in Hiccup and Toothless in the middle. 

"Everyone, give them your best shot!" Hiccup commanded the Dragons as they fired all they can giving the Out Casts a good lesson. The dragons who attacked Hiccup also befriended him now.

"Son of a sheep" Savage was thoughtless by that tie he can't believe on.

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