2, The Plane Ride

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*Sami's POV*

Mom- "Sami and Mack go get pack we are leaving tomorrow night,"
S/M- "Ok mom!" We shout.
     As I was packing I was wondering how I'm going to take all the posters of Mac and Tinus down in time.  So I went to ask Mack if she could help me. As Mack and I were taking them down she asks me who I liked more Marcus or Martinus. 
Me- "Look at my home screen on my phone and you would know right away."
   Mack laughed and asked to see my phone I gave it to her because I can trust her. I unlocked it for her so she could see.
Mack- "You like Marcus more?"
Me- "Maybe you will never know," I laughed.
   We finished packing and taking the posters down and texted my friend Katelyn since she lived in Norway to ask if she would guide me around, of course, she couldn't say no.

*Skip till tomorrow night*

     We all got our stuff and loaded it into the car and since I don't have any friends in the USA I didn't have to text anyone. We all got to the airport. We got out of the car as I heard someone call my name.
Unknown- "SAMI! SAMI! SAMI! SAMI!"
   I turn around to see my best friend Katelyn.
Sami- "Oh my gosh, Kate I am so happy to see you what are you doing here?"
Kate- "I came here to ride with you on the plane," she stated.
Sami- "That's so cool,"
   Once we all got on the plane Kate and I both had seats next to each other. the plane was going to take off in 23 mins. Kate ask me if she could introduce me to Marcus and Martinus.
Sami- "Oh my god you can do that!?"
Kate- "Yeah me and them are best friends, we also talk about you a lot,"
Sami- "Y-you guys talk about me," I stuttered. 
Kate- "It's nothing bad,"
Sami- "So Mac knows stuff about me like what?"
Kate- "Oh that you like him more, that your birthday is June 24, 2002, you are going to be living next to them, and your favorite color is Mint Green."
Sami- "Oh my god, Kate you told him I like him more than Tinus!" I questioned.
Kate- "Maybe I did, you want me to FaceTime them?"
Sami- "I'm sorry, what?" I asked happy and shocked.
Kate- "I'm going to go with a yes," she giggled.
   We FaceTimed them and Marcus said
  "You must be Sami, not Mackenzie right?"
Sami- "How did you know I have a twin?"
Mac- "I have my ways,"
Sami- "I'm scared now," I laughed.
Kate- "Don't worry I told them so they wouldn't get confused,"
Everyone was laughing when Martinus joined in.
Martinus- "You must be Sami Kate talks about you a lot, and I mean a lot."
Sami- "Kate what the heck did you tell them!" I laughed while starring at her.
   A couple mins later we ended the FaceTime
Sami- "I want to meet them in person now," I giggled.
Kate- "You will,"
Sami- "I know I will, and we will be neighbors, it will be amazing, and I might pass out."

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