4, New Beginnings

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*Sami's POV*

   I'm gonna play you like a guitar, play you like guitar

   Yep that's my alarm clock
(Don't judge me that it's it in real life lol)

   I woke up and since I have to go to school today Kate, Marcus, and Martinus and going to walk me around the school as I was brushing my teeth when I heard Mack scream.

   I quickly run into her room and see her holding two shirts.

Sami- "What's wrong!"

Mack- "My shirt it has a hole in it"

Sami- "Are freaking kidding me?"

Mack- "What?"

Sami- "I thought something was seriously wrong!"

Mack- "What are you talking about this a huge problem!"

   I was so annoyed at her I just rolled my eyes and walked out of the room. I currently have 30 min, I already got dressed and put my hair in a French braid then I got a text from a random person.

Unknown: Hey

Sami: Hi? Who is this

Unknown: it's Marcus

Sami: oh hi who gave you my number

Marcus: Mack

  Omg I can't believe she gave Marcus my number she knows I don't like when she gives out my number long story short this kid stalked me for 3 months he knew where I lived where I went to school and yeah you get it

Ding dong

Sami- "COMING!"

   As soon as I got to the door it was already opened and Kate, Marcus, and Martinus were there.

Sami- "What was the whole point in knocking if you were just going to open my door?"

Kate- "It doesn't matter but go get Mack we're leaving now,"

Sami- "Ok, MACK!!" I screamed.

Kate- "Oh god"

   As soon as Mack got down we grabbed our stuff and left.

Sami- "Sooo.. are all three of you walking us around?"

Marcus- "Yeah but I can just walk you around,"

Sami- "Yea,"

   Of course, Kate and Tinus noticed me blush so they both nudged me in the arm I rolled my eyes at them and smiled and kept walking.

   We got to school and everyone was staring at us, I was so confused.

   Mack walked off with this girl, I have seen her before she's really nice Kate and Marcus and Martinus walked me to the office to get me my schedule.

Marcus- "Looks like you have every single class with us!"

Sami- "Oh god,"
I muttered to myself

Marcus- "What?"

Sami - "Nothing!"

   We got to the first class which was math the boy named Jake I think it was walked up to me and Kate and started flirting with us I could tell the boys we're annoyed with him and we were too.


Jake- "Jesus Martinus,"

He then walked away I whispered to Mac do I have permission to punch him in the stomach I said with a laugh he laughed too and said yeah we sat down and the lesson began.

Skip school cause ain't nobody got time for that.

   I got home and went right to my room and Kate, Tinus, Mac and I made a group chat and texted all night

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