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I realized I never showed you all what Kate and I look like.

Kate is on the left and I'm on the right and I do play an instrument I'm not just holding a clarinet case for no reason and Kate used to play the flute

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Kate is on the left and I'm on the right and I do play an instrument I'm not just holding a clarinet case for no reason and Kate used to play the flute.

*Kates POV*

So Martinus asked me if I wanted to go on a date with him, of course, I said yes but the problem is I have no idea where we are going.  He said don't dress to fancy but he said have a bathing suit so yeah.

*Martinus POV*

Omg, I'm so nervous what if she doesn't like it what am I going to do. I set up a picnic by the beach and afterward, we are going to swim I go to Kate's house and knock on her door



*Swimming suit underneath*

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*Swimming suit underneath*

   Oh my gosh, she looks so beautiful! We were ready to go, and when we got there it was already set up by Sami and Mac

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Oh my gosh, she looks so beautiful! We were ready to go, and when we got there it was already set up by Sami and Mac.

(Pretend it's at night )

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(Pretend it's at night )

*Kate's POV*

Omg it was so beautiful I can't believe he did all this for me we sat down and ate, once we finished we went swimming we packed up after and went home he invited me to stay over and Sami was staying too so I had to say yes we went to his house and Sami and Mac were already there.

Mac- "How was the date?"

Martinus- "It was amazing!"

Kate- "Yeah it really was!"

Kate- "Hey Sami can I talk to you?"

Sami- "Sure..?"

Sami and I walk over to the kitchen to make sure the boys don't hear us.

Kate- "When is he going to ask you?"

Sami- "I don't know, but right now we are focusing on you and Martinus, you are happy together!"

Kate- "Well he better do it soon or he will have to deal with me, and it's ok. You are my best friend and I will make sure you are happy too,"

Sami- "Thank you Kate,"

*Martinus POV*

The girls went to the kitchen and I made sure they wouldn't hear us

Tinus- "When are you going to ask her?"

Mac- "I don't know I want to find the right moment,"

Tinus- "Well you better ask her soon!"

Mac- "I will"

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