6, (Sunday/Revenge)

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*Sami's POV*

     Kate and I woke up really early to set the prank up, we put a lot of water bottles on the table so they will have to go. We put a fake rat that squeaks when the bathroom light hits it.

*Marcus POV*

    I heard Sami and Kate talking about how they're going to get us back so I'm not going to say anything to him, I'm letting Tinus go and get freaked out.

*Sami's POV*

   Marcus told me how he knew already, I can't believe he listens to our conversations but I mean Kate and I do it sometimes.

Martinus- "I'm gonna go use the bathroom,"

Kate- "Okiee,"

   Me Marcus and Kate all look at each other until we hear a high pitch scream


We all just sat there and started laughing


Kate- "It's fake," She said in between laughs.

Martinus- "What?"

Sami- "It's a fake rat,"

Martinus- "So you knew about it too?"

Sami- "Marcus did too"

Martinus- "How dare you betray your own brother!" He said dramatically while grabbing his heart.

Sami- "Don't worry we were going to prank Marcus to but he found out,"

Martinus- "How is that supposed to make me feel better?"

Sami- "I don't know," I laughed.

(Skip till later that night)

(If you don't realize me and Kate were at Marcus and Martinus house and Kate's real name is Katelyn and don't be shy post some comments and I don't care if you say the story is bad I know it is and remember this is fake none of this is true except me Kate Marcus and Martinus as a person if that makes sense and this could take place on a holiday if y'all want it to)

*Kate's POV*

Martinus reaction was priceless luckily Sami and I recorded it, and tomorrow when we get home from school we're going to show it to him. Since it's school tomorrow Sami and I have to go home.

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