9, Prom Dates and Drama

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*Sami's POV*

So this Friday is prom and no one has asked me. Martinus has already asked Kate, he asked all of his back up dancers to perform in front of the whole school and I just had to be right next to her and of course she said yes, to be honest I was kind of jealous I'd just wish it was Marcus.

Kate- "So this Friday's prom!"

Sami- "I know but no one has asked me,"

Kate- "Marcus will ask you I promise "

Sami- "You sure,"

Kate- "Positive!"

I really hope she's right but I have to go to math which Marcus and Martinus and Kate's in and so is Jake, we can't stand him but this time he walked in with a girl, me and Kate both gave each other looks because we knew exactly who it was, it was Rebecca Toms (I just came up with a random name so this is not a real person) when me and Kate were in 4th grade she used to bully us one day I was sick of it so I punched her right across the face.

Kate- "That's who I think it is right,"

Sami- "Yep sadly,"

Marcus- "Who is it,"

Sami- "Rebecca Toms,"

Martinus- "Who's that?"

Kate- "We'd rather not talk about it,"

Marcus and Martinus exchanged looks and looked like they had no idea what was going on.

Rebecca- "Oh Jake you're so funny,"

Jake- "You hear that Sami and Kate you could have had all of this"

S/K- "Ewww"

Rebecca- "Oh I remember you two, you know Sami you should have had that black eye instead,"

Mac- "Sami what is she talking about?"

Kate- "Come on Sami let's sit down,"

Me Marcus and Martinus and Kate sat down in the front of the class I felt this thing hit my head I turn to see a note lying on the floor I picked it up and it read "Me and Jake think you should go die," I didn't know what to do I had a couple tears streaming down my face I raised my hand a few minutes later and asked if I could go to the bathroom and so did Kate I think we both got the note

*in the bathroom*

Kate- "You got the note too?"

Sami- "Yep,"

Kate- "I don't understand why they can't just leave us alone!"

Sami- "I did punch her in the face,"

Kate- "True but that was like one thousand years ago," She said dramatically

Sami- "Look maybe if we just ignore her she'll go away,"

Kate- "Maybe but what if it gets worse,"

Sami- "Then we'll get the principal involved or...,"

Kate- "Or...,"

Sami- "Marcus and Martinus,"

Kate- "Yes,"

*back in class*

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