3, Trofors Norway

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*Sami's POV*

Flight attendant- "We will be landing in five minutes so please put all devices away and trays."

Oh god, I have never been this nervous in my entire life, and since I will be living next to Marcus and Martinus it makes me want to throw up in a good way, even though there is no good way to throw up! I sigh.

Kate- "What's wrong?"

Sami- "I'm scared, what if they don't like me?"

Kate- "They're going to love you," she whispers, "Especially Marcus,"

Sami- "What?"

Kate- "Nothing!"

Sami- "Yeah ok," I stated.

We finally arrive. Kate and I got off the plane, once we got off we heard people yelling our names.

Sami- "Do you here that?"

Kate- "Nope!"

*Kate's POV*

Once Sami and I got off the plane we heard people yelling our names I knew instantly who it was and wanted to surprise Sami

Once Sami and I got off the plane we heard people yelling our names I knew instantly who it was and wanted to surprise Sami

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*Marcus POV*

Marcus- "Tinus we are meeting there somewhere here,"

Martinus- "Where?"

Marcus- "I don't know yet"

When I say that I get a text from Kate

Marcus-  "Were going to meet them outside the airport ok

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Marcus- "Were going to meet them outside the airport ok."

Martinus- "That's good,"

*Sami's POV*

Sami- "Kate where are we going?"

Kate- "You'll see,"

Sami- "Ugh"

Kate- "We're here,"

Sami- "So, we're outside"

Kate- "Turn around,"

Sami- "What if I don't want to turn around"

Kate- "You'll regret it,"

Sami- "If they are right behind me I will scream," I stated nervously.

Kate- "Maybe it's not the best idea for you to turn around then,"

Sami- "Oh my god are you serious,"

I walk over to Katelyn and turn around and there they are right there standing in front of me Marcus and Martinus freaking Gunnarsen.

Sami- "I'm going to cry,"

Marcus- "Hi Sami!"

Martinus- "Hi!"

Hi I said very shyly.

Kate- "Oh and you know how I said I will guide you around?"

Sami- "Yeahhhhh,"

Kate- "Well Marcus will be doing it!"

I was screaming on the inside but you couldn't tell on the outside at least I hope.

Sami- "Oh ok," I started to whisper, "Kate I'm going to scream but I promised myself I wouldn't, is it noticeable on the out side?"

Kate- She whisper, "No you look fine and after this we are going to be going to your new house and helping you unpack,"

Sami- "Great," I whispered.

*skip till we get to the new house*

*Sami's POV*

When we got to the house Marcus, Martinus, Emma, Kate, Mack and I all brung boxes inside, my mom said I could pick any room I wanted so of course I had to pick the biggest room that's upstairs. We all brung my boxes upstairs and placed them down.

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