11, Prom= Punch and Punch

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^ those are recent photos of me and Kate

^ those are recent photos of me and Kate

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^ That's me and my bunny Snowball :)

*Sami's POV*

So it was the day of prom. Kate and I had already gotten ready and the boys said they needed a couple more minutes. To be honest I thought it would have been the other way around. So the boys eventually came down. We all walked outside and there was a limousine waiting for us. It must have shown up when we were waiting. We all got in and we drove to the school. It wasn't a very long ride. When we got to the school, maybe like 100 students were there. Marcus and Martinus said they would be right back because they were going to sing a little. When they walked away Rebecca and Jake walked over to us.

Rebecca- "So I see you both actually had the guts to show up,"

K/S- "Why wouldn't we?"

Jake- "Just watch your back tonight. If you thought tonight was going to be perfect you're wrong, we're going to make it a living nightmare!"

*They walk away and Marcus and Martinus walk back up to us*

Marcus- "So we have to sing in a couple of minutes so let's go get-"

Kate- "Wait...,"

Sami- "So you want to tell them?"

Kate- "Sure. You guys know how Sami and I don't really get along with Rebecca and Jake."

M/T- "Yeah,"

Kate- "Well apparently they're going to try to ruin our prom tonight!"

Martinus- "What makes you say that?"

Kate- "Oh I don't know, maybe it was the fact that they just walked up to us and said that our prom isn't going to be perfect. Also how they're going to make it A LIVING NIGHTMARE! Yeah, I don't know, just a guess. Note the sarcasm,"

Martinus- "Note taken.."

Sami- "Kate stop being sarcastic and don't freak out, we have to figure out what to do to stop them!"

Kate- "Oh I know!"

Sami- "What?"

Kate- "Why don't we give them a taste of there own medicine!"

Martinus- "...But....what if we get in trouble.."

Sami- "Come on guys loosen up a bit. They did it to us we can do it to them, we have a right to do it we're defending ourselves. I mean we might as well do it, we're getting threats thrown at us,"

Kate- "We both have a point, come on guys... let's do it!"

Martinus- "I don't know guys..."

Marcus- Come on Martinus

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