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  "The present changes the past. Looking back you do not find what you left behind." 

― Kiran Desai

"Charlie quickly led her mother to the office so she could explain the fight between her and Amber and series of confrontations. She sat stiffly in the office chair seat, even though she was leaving the school she wanted something to be done with the injustice and rumors.

Lol didn't really want to  explain the situation or that she was raped to the principle. She was still processing it herself. Charlie had never been bullied or teased, talked about, hit, by anyone. It felt as if everyone in her life just held back the hate until this exact point to exploit her.

It felt as if everyone just pretended to be kind, to find the perfect time to tear her apart. She had never fought anyone before. She wasn't raised that way, she didn't believe it was a real way to solve anything.

A few teachers piled into the office space. Her assistant principle and her guidance counselor, along with some of her class subject teachers.

"We are saddened that these events have caused you to decide to leave us, if you tell us the details we'll discipline the children who caused this." Nodded the assistant principle.

"Thank you." Charlie said, as her mom stood behind her squeezing her stiff shoulders. 

"Can you explain to us your main issue?"

"I've been pretty much called a liar, a faker, a slut over an encounter I had no control over, because I was raped.
The boy who raped me was Ashton. He told everyone I was lying and they believed him, even though he's in prison now, being tried as an adult. It would make sense they believed him because everyone knows him and not me. The treatment and lies have been driving me literally insane. I don't sleep, I don't eat, can't focus. I'm constantly crying, I wish I was dead.." Charlie sighed holding back tears.

The assistant principle sat back disgusted.

 "How repulsive." He shook his head. "We are deeply sorry Charlie - we will do everything in our power to discipline those involved."

Charlie described those involved and discreetly pointed them out after the meeting. She decided she wanted to spend the rest of her high school years online.


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