Going Insane

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Joey POV-
        That man had some nerve, coming in here, demanding that I give up Henry because he was too good for this animation studio. Henry is here because I want him here so I can make sure he is safe, that he is not touched by others. In fact he is one of the only ones here who actually accomplishes what I expect to be done here. Losing him will throw everything out of the loop. Besides what could Disney do, we are the ones who own this studio. We both cofounded this place. Finally I made my way into Henry's desk but he wasn't there. Sitting on the desk was a note with my name written on it in Henry's neat elegant writing.

       Dear Joey,
                I know this studio is your dream, and I don't wish to be the thing keeping you and this studio from reaching its full potential. Therefore I am leaving this studio, and going to work someplace. Else but before I just got up and disappeared I wanted to tell you that I love you. I have ever since we shared a room in college. I don't know how you will respond to this, but I love you more than a friend, I wish I could have been by your side for a little while longer. Tell Sammy that all the stuff he needs is in a binder titled The Illusion of Living. Once again sorry for doing this. 
                                        Sincerely Henry,
I reread the note over and over again. My heart began to race, Henry loved me, but at the same time he was ripped away from me. I was so deep in thought I didn't notice that I was laughing. Apparently I was laughing like a lunatic. My mind was not broken, yet it felt like my heart was. "Ohhh just wait and follow along Joey, Henry will come back here all I have to do is dream and believe. Hahahaha"

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