I don't believe

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Susie Campbell pov-

All I heard was Sammy say was, "that" when I tuned out. "I.... I don't believe this" I said to myself over and over again as I looked up to see Sammy all steamed up and a disheveled Joey looking as if this also wasn't real. I was the first to break the silence, "but I thought Henry loved it here, why would he leave" I stated while clutching the last remnant of Henry, his drawing of me as an angle demon mix. "Why indeed?" Joey said in a manly tone standing taller and looking more fierce as his gaze traveled over to Sammy. Sammy returned his gaze and sighed, it was clear, he also missed Henry already. Without Henry what would happen to the project that the three of us had just started. What would happen to our little alience, my mind was swimming with different ideas and thoughts until I found myself looking down at the little angle. "Don't worry Henry we will bring this dream to life, even though you left us we will bring this character out in memory of you, we just need to believe"I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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