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"Baby, cause in the dark you can't see shiny cars, and that's when you need me there, with you I'll always share"

11 ABY

It was a beautiful starry night, a four year-old Victoria Salvatore ran in the wide field that surrounded her home, her bright amber colored eyes shining with excitement and mischief as her two older siblings ran after her for stealing one of their cookies. She had wild, shoulder-length, dark brown curly hair, and pale skin that seem to glow in moonlight.

"You can't catch me! You can't catch me!" Victoria's high-pitched voice screamed as Damon and Stefan neared her.

"Oh, yes we can." Damon said, chuckling, as he stopped holding back and ran towards his little sister in full speed, colliding her small body with his.

Damon, Victoria's eldest brother, also had pale skin, but instead of golden eyes, he had crystal blue ones and raven black hair.

"Ok," scolded Guissepe Salvatore teasingly as he exited their house. "Calm down you three."

Stefan pouted, "But Dad she stole our cookies!" Guissepe chuckled at his five year old son's behavior. Stefan had bright, forest green eyes, tanned skin, and light brown hair. If you put the three Salvatore siblings together, you wouldn't be able to tell they were related unless someone told you.

"Well, you and Damon must have been too distracted if she managed to steal cookies under your watch, wouldn't you agree?"

"I would." Victoria said cheekly as her father picked her up and carried her on his shoulders.

"Darlings! Dinner's ready!" Lillian cried to her husband and children as they made their way towards the house. They lived in a small cottage-like house, not ever being ones for anything too flashy.

"Good." Mumbled Victoria.

"Finally! Do you know hungry I am? Cause I sure am hungry." Exclaimed an eight year-old Damon Salvatore as he ran towards mother and Lilly Salvatore's eyes light up with joy at the sight of her little boy running towards her with open arms. He, unfortunately, didn't make it in time.

A shot. A single blaster was fired at Lily.

She fell immediately to the ground. Dead.

It was too sudden and too shocking and it took a moment for the other remaining Salvatores to process what had just happened.

"LILLIAN!" Screamed Guissepe as he along with his children looked in shock at the now limp corpse of Lillian Salvatore. "Mommy!" Cried Victoria in anguish and disbelief. "Mommy?" Damon asked in unmasked confusion and fear.

"Daddy!" Yelled Stefan in fear, pointing at the great amount of Stormtroopers that were coming their way, blasters in hand, ready to fire when in a close enough distance to them.

Without hesitation, the father of three picked up his poor children and ran into the house not having time to even give his dead wife a glance, for he had other priorities at that moment.

Quickly, he removed the rug in the middle of their living room and opened what seemed to be a latch or secret door that lead somewhere.

He hid his children in what seemed to be some sort of secret tunnel underground, and as they descended the tall ladder shouted, "No matter what happens don't stop running until you reach the end!" And closed the wooden latch that was disguised as other floorboards.

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