Chapter 2

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"Well, well, well. Aren't you far from your pack?" He purred with an evil grin. I gulped and tried getting up but my legs felt like jelly and I fell backwards on my butt. I scooted back but didn't get very far due to my hand getting rocks in the slowly healing cut and more small cuts. "Why are you running away?" He purred again and grabbed my foot. I jumped back and tried pulling my foot away but he wouldn't let go.

"W-what do you want?" I finally managed to ask. He gave me a smirk. "Just to know why a pretty little girl like you is away from your pack location." He said and pulled me to him. He leaned over me and I felt his breath on my face. "Ge-get off of me!" I said and tried pushing him away and pounding on his chest. But he just laughed and that sent shivers down my spine. "You're coming with me, pup." He snarled and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

I thrashed in his arms and growled, changing to wolf form and was able to free myself from his grip. I growled and tried biting his leg, trying to incapacitate him long enough for me to run away and him not follow me. But he just grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and threw me against a tree. I howled in pain when something in my side popped and I fell on the ground.

"Is that how you treat your alpha, young one? I can tell you're most likely from the small pack I took over all those years ago. I killed your old alpha. Remember?" He chuckled. I stood back up and pounced, pushing him on his back. He clicked his tongue. "Feisty, now, are we? That's cute." He said and in one swift motion, pushed me on my back and stood over me.

I howled, over and over, trying to get someone's attention. But nothing. No footsteps coming our way. No crunching leaves or breaking twigs. I wanted to fight. Wanted to rip his head off and walk away. But I was in pain. My hand still hadn't fully healed from cutting it and from the force of the throw, one of my ribs could have been fractured. And the thought of ripping his head off somehow hurt me emotionally.

Changing back to human form, I looked up at him. "Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?" I growled at him. "What are you even doing here and not at your stupid home with your stupid army and your stupid pack?" I growled again. He shrugged. "I just thought I could take a walk. Then found you. Why am I doing this? Because I can. What I want from you?" He said and gave an evil grin. "I want you. And that's what I'm going to get." He said and grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder for a second time.

I screamed. "Put me down! Put me down! I don't want to go with you!" I yelled and kicked and pounded my fists. He didn't listen to me and just kept walking with me in his arms. "Put me down! I don't want you! I don't care if you want me!" I yelled again. "Shut up, pup. Damn." He growled.

I pinched the back of his arm, hard. "You're going to play that game? Really, pup?" He growled. "My name is not pup, you asshole!" I screamed. I pinched him again. "I don't care what your name is! It's pup to me!" He snarled. I slapped the back of his head. "It's Iris for your freaking information you cruel, heartless beast." I mumbled. "I'm not a beast." He said when we came into an opening. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. You kill people, take over their land, and take innocent young women for fun, right? This is all a silly little game that is for fun?" I hissed. He didn't answer me for a moment. "For me, yes. It's for fun."

I heard footsteps coming towards us. "Really, Darius. What's up with you catching young women?" A woman's voice asked. Darius chuckled. "This one's different. I think I'll keep her as a toy." Darius hummed. The woman sighed. "You always say that, Darius. Then kill them the next morning after you had your fill with them." She said. Darius sighed. "I don't always kill them the next morning. Sometimes it's right after the sex."

I shivered in his arms. The thought of him raping me and then killing me really wanted me to rip his head off. But I couldn't bring myself to do that. Not after... Not after this feeling I have for him.

I hated him. Hated his guts to no end. For doing what he did. Murdering hundreds. Maybe thousands. Had murdered my mother. My pack. Just from what I learned, he raped and murdered a lot of women. And I would be added to those hundreds of poor, innocent women. I seriously just wanted him to die.

He walked me to a small, grey stone house with a black roof. It didn't look much bigger than the one I live in. Or from what it looks like, what I used to live in. "Please let me go." I pleaded, trying to push myself out of his arms. "Let me go!" I yelled. He didn't listen to me as he stepped into the building and down a winding hallway. The inside did not reflect the small outside of the house.

I was thrown, literally, into a small room. The room didn't have anything in it. No bed, no desk, not even a chair in it. It was a musty, dimly lit, brown colored, molded room that made me feel like I was suffering from claustrophobia. It was small. It was probably a 10x10 room. No bigger.

"You, miss pup, get to stay in here for the day. And night. And maybe even for all of your worthless little life. Have fun." He laughed and slammed the door and locked it. Why won't I let myself kill this bastard?

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