Chapter 11

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"His dad did that to him?" Dad asked me. I nodded. "I told him that even though that happened to him, that he shouldn't have lashed out the way he did, though." I told my dad. "I that there's a chance he isn't truly sorry for what he did, because he wouldn't have done it if he were. But sometimes people don't know what to do with the pain. So, in a way, I can see why he hurt so many."

My dad sighed. "Even though all that happened to him, I'm not going to forgive him for what he did. Especially with your mother. No one deserved to die. I'm going to need to see him change or I won't allow you to be his mate." My dad told me. "I mean, he seems like he's trying to change. And if he just keeps at it then maybe you'll start liking him. I don't forgive him either. But sometimes, even the worst people need love and to be shown that they aren't the monster to some people and that not everyone thinks they are."

My dad looked up at me. "One scratch. One less hair on your head and he should be worried. Got it?" He said sternly. I sighed. "Dad, I could easily get scratched by a million things and I shed hair like crazy. I can probably find at least three plus hairs on my shirt at any given time." I said, pulling a long hair off my arm. Dad chuckled at me. "You know what I mean, Iris. Just be careful. Not everyone will change for everyone."

I nodded. "I know that. And I got that clear to him." I said. I stretched out on the couch. I grunted as my back popped. My dad chuckled. "That was loud." My dad said. I sighed and nodded. My dad looked at me. "What?" I asked. He just smiled. "You've got your mother's eyes." Dad said. I blinked.

I stretched then sat back up. It felt kind of awkward it just being my dad and I now. I had gotten used it to being Darius and I. That didn't mean I stopped loving my dad or caring. It was just for the last couple of weeks, I was used to waking up or turning around and seeing a tall, husky, beautiful, evil demon disguised as an angel standing there. Not saying that my dad was ugly. He was handsome. Didn't have grey hairs or wrinkles. If those who didn't know we were werewolves, they'd think he was my brother. 

As long as werewolves could still change, their physical aging slowed a little. So even though my dad was in his 40s almost 50, he still could pass as about 30 or 35. I on the other hand still looked 15 or 16.

There was a knock on the door. I got up and started for the door. I opened it. Darius stood there with a white rose. "Darius? Why are you here?" I asked. He twirled the rose I between his fingers before handing me the rose. "Thought I'd be nice and bring you this." He said. "Saw it walking home from here and decided to pick it for you." He said and nervously scratched the back of his neck.

I smelled the rose and looked up at Darius. "Thank you." I said. I stepped aside. "Would you like to come in? I was about to cook dinner. Wouldn't hurt cooking for one more." I offered. He shook his head no. "Not after what happened with your dad. Thanks though." He said and then dipped his head before starting to walk away. "Darius?" I called. He turned his head over his shoulder to look at me. "I wasn't giving you a choice. Get your ass in here. Come on." I said.

He sighed dramatically and walked back. "Fine, princess. But dinner. Nothing else. If things get heated between your dad and I then I'm leaving." He growled at me and walked in. I hummed smugly before closing the door and adding the white flower to the flowers next to the door.

I walked into the living room and my dad was staring Darius down. "Dad." I said, indicating to him to be nice. Dad sighed through his nose and stood up and reached his hand to Darius. Darius took it and shook it. "Evening, sir." Darius said quietly and retracted his hand. Dad hummed. "Darius."

I cleared my throat. "Crab, sound good?" I asked. Darius looked at me. "I'm actually sensitive to shellfish. I get nauseous and sweats. And fevers." Darius said. I hummed. "Okay. Chicken?" I asked. Both my dad and Darius nodded. I walked to the kitchen. I heard my dad and Darius talking about something. But with me banging the pots and pans together trying to get the right one and simply not caring at the moment, I didn't hear what they were saying to each other. As long as they weren't trying to rip each other's heads off then I wasn't too particularly worried. Even though I probably should be. With Darius just asshole enough to want to do it and not care and my dad being super pissed at Darius for what he did.

I cut onions, bell pepper and other various vegetables and put that and the already seasoned chicken in the oven and let it cook while I went back to the living room. Darius was sitting on the couch and dad was sitting on the chair across from the couch. They were talking about something but dad looked up at me and smiled. The smiled was forced. "Is everything okay in here?" I asked and sat down next to Darius. He awkwardly reached for my hand. He grabbed it and our linked hands sat in between us.

My dad shook his head no. "We're just talking." He said in an almost cold voice. I knew that voice anywhere. Whenever my dad felt tense, I was in trouble, or just plain out he didn't like someone and he was near them, he'd use that voice. I doubt I am in trouble for something and I definitely know he does not like Darius.

We all sat in silence for awhile until my dad spoke up. "So, Darius? I have a question for you." My dad said flatly. Darius quickly glanced at me, squeezing my hand slightly then quickly glancing back at my dad. "Yes?" Darius replied. My dad seemed to think for a moment before opening his mouth. "Do you regret what you-"

I didn't even let my dad finish his question before standing up. "Dad. Come on. Really?" I asked. Both of the guys looked up at me. "Really? Bringing up that now?" I asked him. Dad sighed. "I'm sorry. But it was just a question, Iris. I didn't think you'd get so up in arms about it."

Darius stood up too. "I'm sorry for coming. I didn't mean to waltz in." Darius said and started walking out the door. "Darius." I called. I looked at dad then followed Darius. "Darius." I called again. He stopped and turned to me. "Can't you see? Your dad sees me as a monster! He doesn't like me. Why can't you just do the same, pup?" He growled at me before turning around and continuing to stomp away. I stood there wanting to say something.

"Because I love you." I said. Darius stopped and turned his head to look at me. "What?" He asked before turning fully. "I love you, Darius. Even though I've only known you for awhile. And yeah, you're a monster. I've established that. But.. I couldn't help falling for you. You're my mate and I won't let you go. I don't give a shit if you don't love me back. Or if you won't change for me. But.. just come on. Don't leave." I said.

Darius sighed and stalked over to me. "You're one crazy, little pup, you know that?" He asked. I nodded. He set his hands on my hips and pulled me close. I yelped in surprise and braced my hands against his chest. He smirked at me. "You crazy, annoying, yapping pup." He said before leaning in and kissing me. I inhaled and closed my eyes. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Darius ran his hands up and down my sides then up my shirt. I pulled back. "Stop." I whispered and grabbed his arms and pulled his hands out of my shirt. "I'm sorry." He mumbled, retracting his hands. I sighed. "There's not just anything under there, you'll find pleasing." I said. He chuckled before kissing me again.

"Whatever, pup. You were speaking of chicken earlier?"

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