Chapter 9

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I couldn't find anything to do other than annoy the living day lights out of Darius. But he got angry with me and kicked me out of his office and locked it. So I just decided to lay on the couch and try to entertain myself. But I couldn't think of anything.

Darius' office door clicked and opened and ten seconds later, Darius came out of his office. "Hey. Done looking at a computer screen all day?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He shook his head no. "I just needed a break." He mumbled. I nodded. "Well you've come to the right place. You can talk to me and entertain me while you can stare at my gorgeousness." I said as he sat in the chair across from the couch. "Talk to you, I guess. Gorgeousness? Far from it." He smirked. I growled and threw a pillow at him but he caught it. "What? Mad at me for telling the truth, pup? Well sorry." He smirked again and threw the pillow back at me.

I caught it and set it under my head. "Why don't you call me by my real name? I call you Darius and not pup." I sighed. He shrugged. "Because. As I said before, you're just a pet to me. So you're name is pup. Not whatever it actually is." He said, leaning back in the chair. I rolled my eyes. "Well I don't like being called pup. It's Iris. Iris Rose Valdez." I said and sat up. "That is my name. It's not pup." I said and crossed my arms at him. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Iris Rose. That's actually kind of pretty." He thought to himself. I giggled and blushed.

He looked up at me. "You know. You're really annoying." He told me suddenly. I leaned back on the couch. "So I've been told by you." I said. He nodded. "Because you are. You're always up my butt. And I don't like it." He said. I cocked my head to one side. "Oh really? I'm always up your butt?" I teased. He growled at me and I chuckled. But my chuckling eventually stopped and I looked at him.

"What?" He asked. "Darius? Why don't you just stop? I know there's a small glimpse of niceness inside of you. So why are you being this way? Someone who's an asshole and doesn't show remorse for it? You murdered hundreds. Maybe thousands. From what I understand, you've raped and killed a lot of women. And you've kidnapped me and toyed with my emotions and shit. And yet, you're sitting here, not feeling sorry for any of it. This is all just one big game to you. Let's see how much you can conquer and hurt people until someone starts fighting back. But no one has yet. Because they're afraid. Have you ever thought, for one split second, about someone else? About how they would feel to see their homes in ruins and their loved ones dead or taken because of you. That's probably how my dad feels right now. That's how I felt and still feel. I was 13, Darius. 13 fucking years old when you took over my pack and had my mother killed. What did you do to her before she died? Did you rape her? Or did you just have someone kill her? Just because you could. Everyone else has feelings. Not just you. So whatever emotional trauma or abuse you've been through, just know everyone else has been through that at one point." I said and stood up and started to walk to the front door.

"My dad." He whispered before I opened the door. I turned to look at him. "What?" I asked. I looked at his face and tears running down it. "My dad hurt me.. in so many ways when I was a kid. I couldn't cope with the pain. I couldn't deal with that. I just wanted to hide in a hole and never come out. I was only four when it all started and went well through my childhood and until he died when I was eighteen. My mom died when I was born and so I had no one to go to. He hit me and beat me and emotionally put me down. But the worst of it.. he touched me in ways I didn't want him to. I tried running away but he always found me. And when I became alpha, I lashed out. Lashed out on anyone and everyone I could because I was hurt. Because I couldn't deal with it. I became the person I didn't want to be. I wanted to rise up from what he did to me. But I turned into him and I regret it. But I just kept going with it. Because I just needed something to do to vent it all out and this was what was the cause of it. I lashed out because I couldn't be the man I know I should be." He sobbed. He set his head in his hands and ran his hands through his hair.

I walked over to him and grabbed him by the wrists. "Darius." I said. But he shook his head and didn't look at me. I lifted his head to look at me. I wiped his tears away. "I'm sorry." He said. "I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He cried. I sat in his lap and held him in my arms. He genuinely seemed upset and kept crying and kept saying sorry. I didn't know what to do. Didn't know how to comfort someone who's been through that.

"Darius? Listen to me for a minute." I said. He sniffled and tried to stop his crying. "Okay." He said. I ran a hand down his back. "I get you're hurting from this happening. And I'm sorry. But I want you to start now with rising up from what happened and stop this. Stop being mean to everyone. If you need to talk anyone then I'm here. Your dad probably would feel like he'd won if he saw you acting the way you are. Do you want that?" I asked. He shook his head no. "Right. So do you think you can try rising above it?" I asked. He sniffled again. "I can try." He said. I kissed the side of his head. "Good. I'll even help you." I offered.

He looked up at me. "I'm so sorry, Iris. I'm sorry for everything." He whispered. "I didn't mean to hurt you then. I didn't mean to hurt you now. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He hiccuped. I shushed him. "It's going to take a while for me to fully forgive you. But if you can try becoming a better person then I'll do my best to forgive you." I told him. He nodded. I kissed his forehead and he smiled. "Come on. Let's go do something." I said and pulled him out of the house.

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