Chapter 10

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"Why are we here?" Darius asked me as we came up to the waterfall. I shrugged. "Why not?" I asked. He shrugged. "I don't know. Just thought it was weird." He told me. I sighed. "Well it's not." I said and sat down on the ground and took my shoes off before setting my feet in the pool. He sat next to me. We sat together in silence for awhile. "If you want to go back. You can. You don't have to stay with me." He told me quietly. I looked up at him and he looked at me. "I'm serious." He told me.

I grabbed his hand. "Come with me. Come meet my dad." I said. He chuckled. "I'd like to. But if your dad realizes who I am, I don't think he'd let me even lay my eyes on you without trying to rip me to shreds." He told me. I sighed. "I promise I won't let him." I said and got back up and pulled him up with me. He sighed and followed me back to where my pack was. "Iris. I don't think this is such a good id-"

"Iris!" My dad called as I was about to call out to him when I saw him but he turned around. "Daddy." I said and ran up to him. I gave him a big hug. "I missed you so much. When you didn't come home, I tried following your scent but it ended at the waterfall. So I didn't know where you went. I thought you were dead." My dad ranted. I chuckled. "Well, I'm not dead, dad. I'm fine. I was with Darius." I said and looked over at Darius who was still standing there. My dad gave him an evil look. "He's not as bad as you think." I said.

Dad pushed me behind him. "Are you serious, Iris? Do you know who he is? What he did?" My father hissed. I nodded. "I do." I said. I started walking over to Darius but my dad grabbed my hand. "Dad." I said. He gave me a look. "He's my mate." I whispered to my dad and gently retracted my hand from him to walk up to Darius. "This is a bad idea. I should go. Obviously he doesn't want me here." Darius hissed. I shook my head. "Don't be crazy. He'll learn to like you." I said. Darius rolled his eyes. "I'm just gonna go." He told me and started walk away.

I sighed. "Don't go." I said. Darius turned to look at me. I turned to my dad. "I'm sorry dad. I get what he did was wrong. And I know you can't forgive him. But... He's still my mate. So if I can try forgiving him, why can't you?" I asked. Dad glared at Darius and then looked back at me. "I don't know, Iris." He said and started to walk away. "Dad, please don't walk away." I called after him, tears brimming my eyes. Darius was right. This was a bad idea.

"Dad!" I yelled. He turned to look at me. "Please. Just give Darius a chance. Yeah, he's not the best guy ever. But I've spent the last almost two weeks with him. He's not that bad." I said. Dad sighed. "Fine. Maybe. But you're staying here. I already lost someone I love. I'm not loosing another. Come on. Your little friend should go home." Dad said and started to walk in the direction in our home.

Darius sighed and looked at me. "Told you this was a bad idea." He told me. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. You were right." I sighed. I looked up at him. "What?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I shrugged. "Nothing." I sighed. Darius looked up to watch my dad walk away. "You should probably follow him." Darius said. I shook my head no. "Why not?" He asked me. I shrugged. "I don't really feel like it right now." I said.

"Iris!" My dad called. I sighed. "I'll go. I'll see you later." Darius said before walking away. I sighed and turned around to walk up to my dad. "What dad?" I asked. "You shouldn't be around him. You know that, right?" He asked me as we started walking back to the house. I rolled my eyes. "Why?" I asked, but I already knew the answer.

He stopped and looked at me. "He took over our pack and several others. He killed thousands including your mother. You can't possibly be in love with him and think he's your mate, can you? He's a monster, Iris. He won't change just for you. I'm sorry but that's the cold truth. If I were you, I'd reject him. You'll live a happier life without a mate than having him as one." My dad told me. I looked away but looked back up at dad. "Well good thing you aren't me." I said.

"Excuse me?" My dad asked. I sighed. "I can see where you're coming from. But you don't understand, dad. He's.. he's got a bad past that he couldn't cope with. And I know he could just be lying to me but he seemed genuinely upset when he told me what happened to him. No one could be lying about stuff like that and actually seem upset about it if they were." I told him. Dad sighed. "Iris, I love you. You're my angel. But I don't think he's a good guy and I don't want you to get hurt by him. He's no good and I want what's best for you. So I think, just consider it, that maybe you should reject him. He's hurt so many people. Damaged so many lives. I just don't want you to be caused any more pain by him." Dad told me and walked me back to the house.

I sighed. "I get what you're saying dad. But what if I can change him? What if, I help him turn over a new leaf? I'm not saying I'm in love with the guy. Because I'm far from that. It's just.. he was chosen as my mate for a reason, dad. And I'm not going to give up so easily. When mom died, you told me that I should never stop fighting for what's right. And I think helping him is what's right. To me, at least, it is. And if you don't like it, dad, then I don't know what to tell you. Yeah, he's a pain in the ass. Yeah, he hurt a lot of people. He hurt you by killing mom. He hurt everyone in the pack's he took over by killing all their loved ones and taking over. Yes, he's a monster. But I see the best in him. I know there's a small, very, very, very small piece of him, deep, deep down somewhere that is just wanting to be loved by someone and needs help."

Dad looked at me and sighed. "Something I told you is coming to bite me in the butt." He chuckled. "You seem very dedicated to someone you don't love and think is a pain in the ass, Iris. Are you sure about that?" He asked me. I nodded. "I'm sure." I said. He huffed through his nose. "If you think you can change him, have at it. I'm not going to stop you from what you think is right. But I want you to promise me something." He said sternly. I nodded. "If he dares touches you in the wrong way, you shouldn't stop me from ripping his head off and tearing him to shreds."

I giggled. "Okay, dad. If he hurts me then I'll send him your way." I said. I didn't want to tell him that Darius actually kind of harmed me. But I wanted to try at least to help Darius. "So. What happened to him to make him the way he is?" My dad asked. I blinked for a second. "That is a long story."

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