Chapter 4

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I woke up with a pounding headache and my foot aching. I opened my eyes but I wasn't in the small, claustrophobic room that I was put into before. I was in a bed that was in a bigger, cream colored room. I moved but my body started to ache so I stopped and just curled into a ball. "I am in so much pain." I groaned. I tried getting comfortable but I couldn't. Everything was in pain and no matter how big or small the movement, it hurt. The door to the room opened and closed. Looking up, I instantly growled. There stood Darius Rhett. The one man I thought meeting was all a dream. But apparently it wasn't.

He walked up to me and gave me a fake sympathetic look but his face quickly changed to a neutral look. "Hmm. Look who woke up. Took quite a fall on your head last night." Darius' voice said above me and he lightly touched a spot on my forehead. I hissed in pain and swatted his hand away. "You fractured your forehead and broke three bones in your right foot. So it's going to take at least two days to fully recover." He said. "You're lucky you don't have any brain damage or bleeding on the brain." He smirked.

I sighed. "I'm just a pawn in your game, aren't I?" I growled. He laughed. "You're not a pawn and there's no game. But you are a cute pet." He brought his finger to my jaw and ran it across my jaw. I moved my head to bite it but he moved his finger before I could. He clicked his tongue and the usual smirk came back to his lips. "I am not your pet." I growled. He purred. "On the contrary. What else would you be to me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. My heart tugged and ached with a feeling I wish I didn't have. A million thoughts ran through my head that I never expected for me to think of.

"I'm your mate, bastard. That's what I am to you." I sneered. He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "You're not my mate. I don't want a mate." He said and started to walk away. I felt a pang of disgust in my stomach but pain in my heart. "And besides. If I wanted a mate, she wouldn't be you. Definitely not you." He said. "Why not me?" I asked in a bitter tone. He turned his head to look at me. "Because. You're not that hot. And willing to stay with me." He told me. I growled. "Well if you didn't kill anyone! Didn't attack my pack and kill my mother!" I yelled. He smiled at me. "Apparently to you, I have no heart. So why should I care of what you say?" He asked and closed the door behind him.

My face got wet. From what, I didn't know for a minute. Then I knew. Tears. I was crying. Crying from him saying he wouldn't want me as a mate. Because a part of me wants him so bad. My inner wolf cried because he didn't want me. But I didn't do anything to him and he's the one hurting me and locking me in rooms and telling me things to try and push me down and make me feel bad about myself. But yet, in his eyes, I was the beast. And yet I did nothing to him.

Why was I the one sitting here in pain? Why did I let myself get this way? In this position? I had a chance to run away. To get out but I got too excited. Went too fast and hurt myself. But I knew if I couldn't get to my dad, he'd try and figure out how to get me back and he'd worry himself sick. But I didn't want him to worry about me. I didn't want him to get sick from not sleeping or eating just because I was reckless and got captured by the evil beast.

And why him? Why did it have to be the most cruel person in the history of all werewolves? He killed just for fun. Just to get his way. He caused hundreds, maybe even thousands pain. Killed hundreds. He took over any pack that he could and if anyone stepped out of line, he somehow found out and had them killed.

So why was he the one I was mates with? Why was he chosen for me to be the one I was supposed to be with forever? And how could I let myself fall for him? Why could I let myself feel like I would want to be with him forever? I hated him so much. Hated him to the point that ripping his head off would be a piece of cake. It would be so easy. But yet, I wasn't able to do so. I wasn't able to pull it off. I wouldn't be able to pull it off even if I tried.

Why was Darius Rhett, the heartless beast, my mate? How was he my mate? How could I hate him so much, but love him even more?

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