Chapter 7

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I woke up on the couch in Darius' office. I opened my eyes and saw Darius typing away on his computer. I groaned and laid on my stomach. "How'd I end op on the couch?" I asked in a sleepy voice. Darius didn't answer. I rolled my eyes and got up and stretched. He looked up at me. "Oh. You're up. Great." He said in a sarcastic tone.

I sighed and walked out of his office. "Where do you think you're going?" He called. I stopped. "Why do you care?" I asked harshly. "I don't." He said, getting from his chair and walking up to me. I rolled my eyes. "Well if you don't care where I go, then I'll be going home. Thanks." I said and started to walk away but he grabbed my arm tightly. "You're not going anywhere." He growled in my ear. "You said you didn't care where I was going. And that you had no use for someone like me." I said and pulled my arm away. "Nothing's keeping me here. Especially not you." I told him.

I just wanted to get away from here. Away from him. But yet I didn't want to get away from him. But I wanted to see my father. I looked away from Darius. "You know what. Fine. Go." He told me. I looked up at him. "Fine. I will." I said and walked out of the house. But when I got ten feet away from the door, I stopped. Half of the reason was because I had no idea where I was going but the other half was because every step I took farther away from Darius was breaking my heart.

I groaned. "I hate the man so much but.. but why?" I said and pressed my hands into my temples. "He get's on my freaking nerves and he's rude and mean and evil. He took over my pack and killed my mother but at the same time I can't freaking stop feeling something for him." I growled to myself.

"Seems like you have a dilemma on your hands, young female." A woman's voice called from the left of me. I turned and saw the same woman that was talking to Darius a while ago. "What do you want?" I asked her, crossing my arms over my chest. "I just came to talk to Alpha Darius but saw you standing here. Are you.. in love with the alpha?" She purred, stepping closer to me.

The woman wasn't all that bad looking. She had black hair that she kept in a bun, her facial features were strong and bold, she had fair skin that had no blemishes other than freckles, and blue eyes behind big framed glasses.

I shook my head no. "He wishes." I mumbled. She chuckled and clicked her tongue. "Are you sure? I just heard you say that you were feeling something for him. How he was rude and evil but yet you "can't freaking stop feeling something for him"." She quoted me and got in my face. "Don't try anything, girl. Even if you're his mate or not, I will not let you stand in my way to get him. I loved him more than you've known him. Way longer. Years." She whispered to me in a calm voice. "Bethany, get out of her face. She's just trying to go home." Darius' voice called from the house. His used a bored tone. Like he didn't care I was going.

The woman, Bethany, smirked at me and got out of my face and started walking to Darius. "I'm sorry, Alpha. We were just having a little girl talk, that's all." She lied to him. Darius looked at her. "Mm hmm." He said, not believing anything she was saying. He looked back at me and waved me off. "Off then. Aren't you going home?" He asked me. I didn't say anything or move. But eventually I spoke up. "Of course. I'm going." I said and started to walk away. I faintly heard a waterfall's noise grow so I had a hunch I was going the right way.

But once I hit the waterfall, I had a feeling to turn back. I wanted to go back to Darius and slap him across the head and ask him why he let me go. But I couldn't do that. He might see that as weak. He might laugh at me and say I couldn't keep away from him and then insult me like he did over the last five days. But then I remembered something.

This morning, after I was able to get out of the cream room, I heard Bethany and him talking. She said something about him starting to have feelings for me and how I was just a silly little girl. But when he started talked to her, it sounded like he actually didn't mean I was just a little girl. And over the last four days he hadn't really insulted me as much as he did on the first day.

Leaves crunched behind me. I turned to see an all white wolf standing there. Darius. "Why'd you follow me?" I asked, keeping my distance. He slowly walked up to me and nudged his muzzle into my hand. I pet his nose and head. "This is a nice charade you're putting on, Darius. Not spitting as much insults at me as you did at first. Letting me fall asleep on your lap. And.. And I heard your conversation with that woman this morning. How you claim to her that you have feelings for me. But I know this is all a game. You found me and thought since I thought we were mates, that you'd get to my head and make me fall for you. That's why you're trying to pretend you like me then followed me out here. I'm right, aren't I?" I said.

He whimpered and changed back to human form. "I'm right. I know I am." I said quietly. I searched his eyes for a second. "Maybe you are. Maybe you're not." He said simply but grabbed my hand. "But I'm not letting you go that easily. You're still a pet to me." He said. "A pet?" I questioned. He nodded. "A silly, little, 80 pound yapping pup." He told me. I chuckled. "You're right about one thing." I said and headed back to his house. "You're not getting rid of me that easily."

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