Chapter 12

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Okay so this book was going to be all in Iris' point of view but I decided to make this chapter and maybe another one in Darius' point of view. Just so you can get a sense of him and what he sees. So I hope you like it. Please comment if you do. Or don't. Whichever. So ya. Here you go.

Darius' point of view

I could tell Iris' father was not fond of me from the start. And neither was the pup, Iris. Because of what I did. What I did to a lot of people but especially to what I did to him and Iris. I killed his mate and her mother all because I couldn't handle the mental, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse from my own dad. But what else was I supposed to do? Keep all the pain inside and just keep it to myself? Well, maybe lashing out and killing wasn't the best idea. But it was a good idea at the time.

Iris insisted I stay the night because it was past nine by the time dinner was over. Her father tried getting me out the house but she threw a puppy hissy fit that she does a lot to get her way. And, of course being his only daughter, he couldn't possibly say no to her. Because he loved her.

Iris and I shared her bed but I couldn't get comfortable and couldn't fall asleep so I just decided to watch Iris sleep. She was actually kind of cute when she wasn't talking. Her soft features were kind of beautiful. She seemed so peaceful. I couldn't help but feel something for her.

She lightly snored and cuddled into me. I wrapped my arms around her and sighed. She moaned lightly and turned over to cuddle into me more. I played with her hair while she slept and yawned. I was getting tired but couldn't seem to fall asleep.

Iris slowly opened her eyes and looked up at me. "Why are you still up?" She asked sleepily. I shrugged. "Cos I can be, pup. Why'd you wake up?" I asked in a semi harsh tone I didn't intend to use. I winced slightly but she didn't seem to notice and sat up. "I need to pee. I'll be back." She said and walked out of the bedroom.

I sighed and adjusted under the blanket. Then I realized what the most likely cause was to me not being able to sleep. I was hard. I groaned.

I heard a toilet flush and water running before Iris came back to the bedroom and she laid back down. I looked down at her. I reached up and ran a thumb across her cheek. "What?" She asked. I propped myself up on my elbow. "What? I can't admire you?" I asked. She wrinkled her nose. "Not like you to do something like that. Where's your usual insult? Usual 'pup'? What did you do with my sweet, sweet Darius?" Iris joked.

I rolled my eyes. "I can go home." I said and started and get up. She rolled her eyes and grabbed me by my shirt. "No. Don't." She sighed and pulled me back onto the bed. I chuckled. She was so cute when she begged. I should make her start begging more often.

She yawned and set her head on my chest. I rubbed my hand across her back. "Darius?" She asked. I hummed. "What do you think of me?" She asked. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" I asked. "At the beginning, you always insulted me. You hurt me emotionally and physically. And now all of a sudden, you're changing. You're less mean. What do you feel for me?" She asked.

I sighed and thought for a second. "I mean, I don't know. I still see you as a really annoying girl who can't seem to stay in her own business or can't keep to herself most of the time. But as you said earlier. We're mates. I'm not the best person to you but we need to try. If you want that." I said and looked at her. She shrugged.

"Is it true you love me?" I asked. I could see she was blushing a dark red. I smirked. "Oh really?" I purred, leaning close to her face with mine until our lips were mere inches away from each other. She whined lightly and I smirked more. I knew she wanted me to kiss her. But teasing her was so much more fun.

She gripped my shirt and tried pulling me closer but I put a finger to her lips. "Tsk, tsk. Are you trying to force your alpha into kissing you?" I teased. She whined a little louder. I hummed. "What if I don't? What if I don't kiss you? What would you do then?" I asked and lightly drew my finger along her bottom lip.

Her bottom lip quivered in anticipation. I smirked once again. "How to you ask?" I teased. She groaned. "I'm not going to beg." She whispered and tried kissing me. But I backed up a little. "Don't you want a kiss, pup?" I asked, starting to inch my face back to hers. She nodded. "Then use your words. Ask me." I said. She bit her lip. "Please? Can you kiss me?" She asked. I smirked.

I smashed my lips into hers and she inhaled sharply. I smirked against her lips. I lightly licked her bottom lip and she moaned into my mouth. I inserted my tongue into her mouth and roamed around and then started to play with her tongue with mine. She ran her hands through my hair and pulled me closer.

I grabbed her hips and straddled her, my hands eventually running up her shirt. She didn't stop me this time so I proceeded upwards and unhooked her bra. I broke the kiss to kiss her jaw and her neck. She gasped and covered her mouth. Most likely so her dad wouldn't hear.

I hummed against her neck as I was able to only break away for a second to rip off her shirt and bra. She gasped and covered herself with the blanket. "Darius. Give me my shirt back." She whined and tried reaching out for it but I threw it away. "Why? Don't want me to see you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. She shook her head no. "I'm ugly. Especially naked." She mumbled and sat up to reach for her shirt. I sighed. "You're not ugly." I said and reached down and grabbed it for her.

She mumbled something. "What?" I asked. "I am ugly. Just accept that." She told me. I didn't give her the shirt. "I won't." I told her and kissed her. She loosened her arms around her. I broke away from her and grabbed her hands. I looked at her. "You're not ugly. You're beautiful." I whispered. She visibly gulped. I kissed her neck and her collarbone. "One day." I whispered and pulled back. "You need sleep, pup. Here." I said and handed her the shirt back. She hesitantly put it back on.

I laid down and took her in my arms and rubbed her back until she fell asleep. I yawned and fell asleep too.

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