Chapter 20

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Friday already came for our ceremony to celebrate Darius' and I's mating and also to fully initiate me as the luna of the pack. I had woken up late and had just hopped out of the shower and dried my hair when I bumped into Darius.

"Aren't you supposed to be at Nolan's?" I asked but Darius ignored my question and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Hey." He said and smiled at me. I sighed but smiled back. "Hey." I said. He grabbed my waist and gave me a kiss on the nose. I wrinkled my nose at him and he chuckled. "You can do that all you want, but you're still beautiful." He told me. I giggled and blushed.

"Darius!" I squealed happily as he picked me up and spun me around. He finally set me down and kissed me. "What, my beautiful girl?" He asked me, gently pulling me back into him and setting a hand on my cheek. "You know you can't see me before the ceremony." I told him and tried wiggling out of his arms. But he only held me tighter. "That's only if you're wearing your dress, my angel. I can't see you in your dress." He told me.

I set my head on his chest. "I just came to see you and sneak a kiss or two. Maybe ten. Is that fine?" He asked. I nodded. "Perfect." I whispered. He kissed the top of my head. "Good." He told me. "You know I love you, right?" He asked me. I nodded and subconsciously reached my hand up to where he marked me just three weeks ago. "I love you more." I whispered to him. He chuckled. "Impossible, dove. All the love in the world doesn't compare to the love I feel for you."

I blushed and hid my face in his chest, only for him to pull away from me and kiss me on the nose again. "You better get ready." I told him and slid out of his arms and down the hallway to get dressed. We decided to have the ceremony in the backyard of our house. I was getting ready in the house and he was supposed to get ready at Nolan's house but apparently Nolan didn't do a very good job of keeping him there.

"Hey. One more kiss?" He teased. I stopped at the door that held my dress. "Well come here and get on your way back to Nolan's." I said. He walked over to the door, gently placing his hand on my cheek and passionately kissing me. The kiss lasted for several minutes and to be honest, I never wanted it to end. It was an amazing kiss. One of the best ones we've had.

He pulled away and winked at me. "I'll see you in a few, beautiful." He gave me one more kiss and left, leaving me speechless and a blushing tomato. "I love you." He called before opening the front door. "I love you too, Darius." I called.

"There you are, silly billy." Nolan's sister Amanda said as I entered the room. She had spent the night at the house last night with me for a bachelorette party which wasn't that interesting. It was just us two watching chick flicks until three am drinking water and champagne and eating double our weights in popcorn.

She helped me into the off-white mermaid dress that had lace everywhere. The sleeves and top of it were only lace and starting from my breasts down, the rest was an off-white silk with lace on it. I put on matching colored heels and Amanda did my hair and makeup for me and we were ready.

Amanda looked at the clock. "Everyone should be gathered by now." She told me and started ushering me into the hallway and out to the doors to get to the backyard. She handed me a bouquet of white lily's. "Time to go impress your man." She winked at me and helped me outside. Darius was standing under an arch with flowers on it and with an elder. Everyone was seated in a seat.

"May I say you look as beautiful as ever." My father said when he came up to Amanda and I. He brushed his hand over my cheek. "You look just like your mother on our wedding day." He started to choke up. "Daddy." I said and kissed his cheek. He sighed and smiled at me. "I have to ask. How did you change him?" He whispered to me before linking his arm with mine. I shrugged. "A little tough love. And annoyed him to the point that he finally fell into my hands like putty." I joked.

Darius turned from talking to Nolan, who was his best man, and I saw him gasp and look me over. I couldn't hear what he said at first from everyone talking but I could tell what he said. "Beautiful." He said. The music started playing and everyone silenced and stood to watch me walk down the red carpet to Darius. My dad slowed down the walk, just to make Darius wait. We got up to him finally and dad took my hand before kissing it. He gave my hand to Darius and he sat down. Amanda, who was my maid of honor, was standing next to me and took my bouquet.

"Wow." Darius breathed. I blushed. "We gather here today in honor of these two young people mating." The elder said. "They met unexpectedly. It took awhile, but they learned to love each other and mated and had this ceremony." The elder went on about other things for awhile. "Now, we're going to have these two say vows. Darius?" The elder said.

Darius fumbled in his jacket for a piece of paper. He almost dropped it a couple times and almost ripped it while trying to open it and took a shaky breath. "Hey." I whispered. He looked up at me with big eyes. I reached up and lightly touched his cheek. "It's okay. No need to be nervous. Big breath." I told him before retracting my hand. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Okay. I'm ready." He whispered.

"Iris. When I met you, I was mean. I wasn't the nicest person to you and I wasn't looking for a mate. But, I realized that, that wasn't the way I should have been treating you. I wanted to be a better man for you. And even though I'm far from it, very far from it, I'm glad you kept by me through it all and learned to love me when I don't even deserve being in your presence. I love you more than life itself and I wouldn't change that for the world. I would lay down my life for you. I promise I'll be with you forever. In better and worse. When we have our ups and downs. When you're sick, or in pain. I will stand by you and love you. You're my everything. I love you Iris Rose. And I always will." He put the paper back into his jacket and looked up at me.

I sniffled as tears rolled down my face. "Oh Darius." I cried. I wiped a tear away. "I love you." I whispered and grabbed his hands. He smiled. "Iris. Would you like to say your vows, now?" The elder asked. I nodded and turned to Amanda who had my paper. "Okay." I said, trying to calm my crying before opening it.

"Darius. No matter how mean you were when we met, I knew then and there that I would try to break you from it. Because I loved you then and I love you now. Sticking by you wasn't always easy, but I'm glad I did. Now, I'm looking at the love of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. I will stick by you until the end. I will love you until my dying breath. I now can't see a life without you. My love. My heart. My strong alpha. My handsome man. My best friend. I love you Darius Christopher. Now and forever."

He smiled at me when Amanda took the paper back. "Now the power invested in me by the moon goddess, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride." The elder said. Darius grabbed me by the hips. "I love you my sweet pumpkin." He told me and passionately kissed me. We kept kissing and kissing. "I have something to tell you." I whispered while kissing him. He hummed against my lips. "I'm pregnant."

The end

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