Chapter 14

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Dad had made a few eggs and bacon for breakfast and we decided to lounge around the house all day until about 3:45 in the afternoon until I decided to get into the shower and meet up with Darius at his house. My dad wasn't all too fond of me going over there. But oh well.

I didn't dress up and just put on a too big t-shirt and sweat pants. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on tennis shoes. I didn't feel like getting all too fancy for Darius.

I walked out of my room and peered around the door into the living room to see my dad fast asleep on the couch. I shrugged, and went over to the table that was sitting next to the couch. I wrote a note saying I left and that I loved him and walked to the front door and walked out. He knew I was going to go over there anyways. So there was no point in waking him up.

I turned wolf and casually walked to the path that led to the waterfall and eventually led to Darius' pack location and his house.

It took me a few minutes to get there, due to only walking at a really slow pace, but when I got close to his house, I changed back into human form and walked up to the front door. It was partially open, like he was expecting me or something. So I gently pushed the door open only to hear murmurs coming from inside. I raised an eyebrow but just went inside and gently closed the door behind me.

As I walked down the hallway from the door to the living room, the voices became more clearer. "You seriously can't be in love with her, Darius. Not after what we've had." Bethany's voice called from the living room. I furrowed my eyebrows but didn't move from my hiding spot next to the door leading to the living room. I looked into the living room and Bethany was sitting on Darius' lap in a chair. My heart hurt with a pain I couldn't explain.

He sighed through his nose and tried pushing her off. "I'm not interested anymore Bethany. Get off me." He told her sharply. But she stood her ground and continued to sit on his lap. "Not until you tell me you're not in love with her. She doesn't deserve you. Only I do. Get rid of her like you told me you were. You said you planned on rejecting her soon so we could be together." She told him.

I covered my mouth as tears ran down my face. My dad was right. He wouldn't change for me. He was just going to reject me and leave me for her. But yet, he didn't seem like he wanted to. But I couldn't stop crying. If she was right, he was going to reject me. Even if it wasn't for her, then maybe for some other chick.

I stepped back and a floorboard creaked. Both of their heads turned to look at the door. "Iris? Is that you?" Darius called. I couldn't take it anymore so my feet carried me as fast as they could to the front door and out the door.

"Iris?!" Darius called as he caught up to me and grabbed me to stop running. "Get off of me! I don't want you! Just leave me alone!" I cried and banged my hands against his chest. "Let me go!" I said and breaking down against his chest, crying. "How could you do this to me! I thought you were changing." I whispered while balling. "Oh, come on, pup. You really want to believe what she says?" He asked me in a more harsh tone.

I sniffled and pulled myself out of his arms. "I don't know what to believe anymore. Maybe I should've believed my dad. At least he loves me." I said and started to stomp away. "Fine! Be that way! Go run away. Like you always do!" Darius yelled after me. I wrapped my arms around myself as I continued walking. My head was foggy and I wasn't paying attention when I tripped over my own two feet and fell to my hands and knees.

I tried stifling a cry but I just let it come. I should have rejected him when I could. When we first met. It would've saved me the pain. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. Couldn't make myself utter the words. It wouldn't have made a difference to him anyways.

Footsteps came up behind me and a sigh. "Come here." Darius' voice said as he helped me to my feet and he pulled me into him. "I hate you.. why would you plan to leave me for her?" I said, trying to stop my crying. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hate you too. But if I were to leave you, it definitely wouldn't be for Bethany." He told me. I wiped my nose on my sleeve and looked up at Darius. "Then why won't you leave me? Even though you don't go with Bethany? If I'm always seen as a pain in the butt?" I asked. He shrugged. "I got used to having a pet like you." He said. I rolled my eyes and slapped his chest. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "Have I told you-."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm an annoying, 80 pound, yapping pup." I sighed. He chuckled again. "Yes. You are." He said and hugged me. "But guess what?" He asked. I hummed. "What?" I asked. "You're my 80 pound pup." He said.

My cheeks burned a hot red. "What's up with you saying that?" I asked. A deep hum resonated in his chest. "Sorry for trying to be a better guy for you." He teased. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I said and pulled away from the hug. "How about we kick out Bethany and let me annoy you like the pup I am?"

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