Adventure of the Misfits

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Kiri [yellow hair] hey guys. i've decided to go on an adventure except i don't know..not really sure what the adventure is really gonna be about so yo guys have any suggetions. i wanna be excited. and Hei will join me. Hey Hei, COME HERE A SEC!!!!

Hei [dark blue hair] what do you want Kiri

Kiri: you're joining my adventure and they're tellin us what we will do. it's gonna be exciting!!1

Hei: like hell i'm doing that!

Kiri: come one i promise it's gonna be fun. you're gonna like it.

Hei: ya don't even know what kinda adventure it will be how are you so sure it will be fun!

Kiri: i don't i just know!

Hei: shut up Kiri, i've been on your other adventures! this time Oda will do it.

Oda: [purple hair]  yeah that's not gonna happen, let Juni do it

Juni: reading don't have the time, Koko says he wanna go

Koko: [light blue hair] >.< I NEVER SAID THAT!!

Hei: leave my little brother out of this!!!! Kego wanna go!

Kiri: nobody wanna come on an adventure with me T-T

Everyone: NO!!!

Kego [red hair] i wanna go on an adventure with you Kiri. 

Kiri: YEah!!

Kego: so what are we gonna do?

Kiri: not sure yet.

Kego: is it gonna have bloody and stuff

Kiri: maybe.

Kego: yay!! [Hugs Hei]

Hei: why the hell are you touching me!!

Kego: Kiri wouldn't let me!

Hei: and you think i will! 

Kego: well you are.

Hei: get off of me, you idiot!

Kego: T-T Koko you're brother is being mean to me again.

Kiri: well guys it's time to say good by but the adventure has just started and if there's anything you want us to do just ask.

Everyone: Us! JUST YOU!!

Juni: i have better things to do.

Kiri: [laughs] laterz and come join my ADVENTURE!!!!! [says quickly] in which everyone will be on!

Everyone: WHAT!!

Adventure of the MisfitsWhere stories live. Discover now