Bathing In The Rain

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Hei narrating.

So Kiri had a bright idea, we shld bathe in the rain since it's so heavy and refuse to stop. i must admit i wanned to do it but here's what happened becuz of that idea.

Kiri: [hands on his hip looking out the window] that rain is really coming down huh?!!!

Oda: yeah so what about it? -_-

Kiri: i think we shld have some fun in the rain and go bathe in it we may even play a game too.

At the moment that was the smartes thing he ever said in his life.

i've had brighter moments Hei, quit making it sound like i'm stupid.

I'm not making it sound anyway i'm saying that, i'm telling this story so let me tell it already!!!

Fine but i'm not listening.

Like hell you aren't, any way so we all decided that we would try something he said for once, boy was that a mistake. 

No it wasn't

Let me tell the damn story!!!

Whatever <.<

that faithful day, which is today i wish to forget.....but i can't i've been scared for life. V.V

Ryuu and Hei: [walks outside it trunks and they both have tight abs even though Ryuu's a bit bigger]

Ryuu: [hugs Hei] {yaoi moment} T^T you really are my twin

Kego T-T i'm your twin

Ryuu: quit rminding me...........=.= you cld be twin to Kiri.

Juni: [wearing a fitted pants up to his knees and a slipper on his foot]

Oda and Kego: [wearing short pants]

Kiri forget we had to eat the next few i can't even keep my food down

Kiri: [rushes out the house with a loin-cloth, his butt bare] let's get STARTED!!!!! >O<

No one was able to contain one

Hei and Ryuu: 0.0

Oda: >///> {yaoi moment}

Juni: [pushes up his glassed] ur one ever said they wanned to c ur BUTT!!!

Kego T0T i'm scared for life!!!!! i wanna dig my eyes out.

Kego di continue to di his eyes out, in which i will have to replace next one had a bad for the next three day fear of seeing Kiri's naked butt again

You fail to mention i have a sexy BUTT!!!

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