Juni Complex

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This was a faithful day during summer vacation Hei was feeling jealous......

The boys held a party just with the seven of them......they're all underage and drinking...It was held in He's room...

Hei: [standing by the window drinking a beer, looks over to Ryu, inner thought] what the hell is he doing?!

Hei don't particularly have any feelings for Ryu...or does he?

Ryu: [drunk as a fish, hitting on Juni] your too serious....and you have a pretty face, Hei you an i will marry one day.

Juni isn't Hei now is he so ya see he's jus out of it!

Juni: [drinking a white russian] get away frrom me you idiot, you stink of cheap boos

Ryu: but we gotta get married today.....right now Heiiiii

Hei: [breaks the beer bottle in his hand holding it too tightly, inner thought] that cheating bastard!! There is no way he will be in my bed tonight sleep on the floor for all i care!

Juni: i said get away from me..I'm not Hei!

Ruy: of course you are....who else would be Hei?!

Hei: [walks pass Ryu towards the door]

Ryu: [looking at Hei] Kego, you can't leave this room mother said i gotta look after your ugliness

Kego: T^T brother why would you say I'm ugly we look alike...

Ryu: I'm hearing an idgit speaking...Shut up Kiri [returns ro trying to kiss Juni]

Ryu: [inner thought] you're luck you're sitting that close to Juni......cheating bastard!!

last time i checked he didn't like Ryu....or did he?

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