Hei's Fantasy !!!

281 15 20

1:00 am

Hei: [sleeping]

[in Hei's dream]

Hei: [walking to the door] Koko i'm goin out.

Koko: >.< where r u headed brother, it 5 in d mornin!!

Hei: go and sleep Koko.

Koko: but brother!!

Hei: [knife falls out is bag!!

Koko: [looks at the knife] you're gonna kill some body again aren't you!!-_-".......... >.< YOU PROMISED YOU WERE GONNA STOP!!!

Hei: I wasn't gonna Kill anyone, i was just gonna rip Kiri's heart out, mostly cuz i'm hungry..... and then his throat so i won't have to hear his annoying voice as i eat his heart. 

Koko: okay then, tell Kiri i said hi!! ^_^ [runs off to bed]

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