The Candy Heist

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Kiri: YAHOOO!!!! [jumps on top of the table] 

Hei: get off the damn table, we're EATING HERE!!! [pulls Kiri off the table]

Kiri: [on the floor] I'm running this operation you have to listen to me!!!

Hei: Yeah right tell it to the underneath of boots!! [kicking Kiri]

Kiri: help Juni, Hei is being mean to me again

Juni: Shut up Kirir, you voice is annoying.

Kiri: T-T........Okay that's IT!! Put 'em up!! 

Hei: Koko you could have this one.

Koko: [walks up to Kirir] ^o^ okay big brother!!

Kiri: =) i can;t hit a kid.

Koko: ^_^" i'm not a kid. i'm one yearyounger than you [flip Krir]

Kiri: [landing on his head] 0.0 i got that.

Oda: so when is this heist going down.

Kego: Hei said, we're hitting the storage room tonight.

Hei: Hei is right here.

Later in the Night 

Hei: Kiri follow me and shut up [crawling through the vents]

Kiri: i can already smell the candy. [wide gring]

Hei: that's just the toilet 

Kiri: [looks through the vents] Ewwww!!!!

They reach the Candy room

Hei: [lowering Kiri down] stop moveing so much, you way a ton

Kiri: i do not

Hei: yes you do, now shut up and grab candy.

Kiri: [looks at the massive amount of candy] CCAAANNNDDDYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the alarms when off

Hei: You idiot!!! [drops Kiri, races back to the others] abort mission!!

Half hour later.........

Koko: what do you think is happening to Kiri-chan

Hei: if anything good, he;s being tortured.

In the Headmaster's Office.......

Headmaster: [shines the light on Kiri] i will make you squeal like a rat

Kiri: {pees his pants]

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