Hei: [puts the virtual head gear on and goes to the vmmorpg fairy land, he's and argus fairy]
[a few minutes later into the game he meets a slyphica, girl fairy name Kiki]
Kiki: hello Handsome, what's your name?
Hei: I'm K-On
Kiki: wanna go back to my house is sylphica teritory
Hei: [stupified, nodding his head quick with a pervy gring on his face]
Kiki: it's this was
[as Kiki flies off the wind raises her short skirt and and Hei got a peek......and what happen after that is too rude to write 0.0]
Hei: [wakes from the game taking the head piece off]
[At that moment Hei awoke Kiri woke next to him taking off the head piece from his head]
Kiri: K-On!
Hei: Kiki!
Kiri and Hei: [pale expression on their face as their ghost left them] "0V0"
Adventure of the Misfits
Fantasythis story follows the adventure of six misfits season two adds one more misfit to the group and the adventure continues a little longer Long awaited season 3 is here with lots of laughter ahead!!!!! The Final season 4 is HERE!!!! + chapters for ur...