Disappearance of the Meatball

187 14 16

Kiri: hey guys Koko is cookin up a storm

Kego: really what is he cookin

Kiri: Shellfish meatballs with spaghetti Yummy!!!!

Kego: man i cant wait!!!!!! [rushes into the kitchen ]

Koko: Kego get out of the kitchen i'm not done cookin

Hei: [passes and smacks Kego over the head] leave Koko alone u idiot


Koko: come.on in lunch is served.

Everyone except for Juni rushes in.

Koko: Kiri could u take Juni's food to him

Kiri: yeah sure thing

Juni's Room.........

Juni: [sitting by his desk]

Kiri: (o^^o)♪hey Juni i brought u some food. [puts the plate on d table and stands next to Juni] eat up!!!!!

Juni: [begins eating his food] this is better than i expected

Kiri: yes he's a good cook


Juni: [looks at Kiri] hmmmm, delicious isnt it

Kiri: yup dats right

Juni: [dances his fork above two meatballs]

    [As Juni is about to pick one Kiri goes for the same one and Juni sticks him with the fork ]

Juni: dats my food ur eating u idiot

Kiri: ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ u meanie i just wanted a meatball.

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