Baby Sister's Wedding Night

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"You look absolutely beautiful Sansa."

Alanna commented as she stood there behind her younger sister. Dressed in gold Alanna smiled seeing her sister's skin seemingly glow.

Today was her wedding to Tyrion, something that Sansa was nervous and completely indifferent about compared to her sister. Alanna quickly noticed this and gave Sansa a small squeeze on her arms.

"He's a kind man, Sansa. You might find him repulsive, but remember he didn't ask to be born the way he was. He cannot help it. Do not judge the man for it."

"I know."

She said quickly and quietly with her head still lowered. Alanna rubbed her arms a bit more before she gave her sister a kiss on the forehead and escorted her from the room and took the Sept.

Once they had arrived, everyone looked at the Stark sisters and grew silent.

Not only was Sansa dressed in gold for her wedding, but Alanna was fixed up in a deep and lush Lannister red. It was almost as if someone had taken wine and blood and had mixed it together and poured all over her dress.

Her hair had been pinned up to expose her face and the back of her neck. Her bright blue-golden gaze shifted around everyone as she left her sisters side and went to stand on the bride's side, across from the Lannisters.

As Alanna walked, she kept her head held high and noticed that most of the attention had turned toward her - not her sister - on this day. The only sound that had taken place was the clacking of her heels against the floor and the room fell silent once again when she arrived to her spot.

She stood there looking up at Tyrion - who quickly looked away - and then to Cersei and Tywin. Cersei merely glanced at her before turning to look at Sansa, but Tywin... Tywin's gaze was burning holes into her slowly turning hot flesh.

It was easy enough to feel the sexual attention coming from him. Easy enough due to the fact that his gaze refused to leave her, and caused her a want.

Her chest heaved slowly as parts of her exposed breasts had been placed on display for the way the neckline of the dress had been cut. The corset helped to hold them up in place.

All and all, she wouldn't be suprised if Tywin fucked her raw tonight.


"Congratulations, dear sister."

Alanna greeted walking over to Tyrion and Sansa's wedding table. Tyrion was well on his way to being drunk, which wasn't anything new. Sansa looked up at her sister with a small and forced smile.

"Don't look so sad. It's your wedding night. My new brother seems to be enjoying it with no problem."

Alanna joked causing Tyrion to laugh and glanced toward Alanna.

"What's not to enjoy? I have wine, a wonderful new wife, and Joffery isn't currently bothering me."

"True, true. Seems that all the proper celebrations are in order."

Alanna smiled and nodded her head. She looked back to Sansa, who didn't seem to be handling this well at all.

"Might I steal your wife for a moment?"

"By all means go, have fun you two."

Tyrion said waving his glass around. Alanna nodded and Sansa was quick to stand. Locking arms with each other Alanna escorted Sansa off toward the balcony of the party. The cool salty sea wind greeted them and the quieter atmosphere was much welcomed now that they were slightly away from the party.

"Sansa, I can tell you're upset. You look like you're ready to puke."

She didn't say anything, she merely gaze out upon the sea. Alanna sighed deeply through her nose. Turning she looked down at her younger sister and noticed a single tear slid down her cheek. Alanna quickly bent before her and cleaned her face.

"You must not let them see that they have broken you. You cannot."

She said in a quiet and stern voice. Sansa frowned and blinked looking down at her sister.

"Have they broken you?"

She questioned sniffling as she attempted to pull herself together. Alanna was silent for a moment. The sound of the waves crashing in the background managed to drown out the party behind them. Her blue-golden eyes looked into those of Sansa's grey ones.

Slowly she pushed her hand behind Sansa's ear, putting some of the stray stands that had fallen in place.

"No. No we are Starks, Sansa. We are the mighty Dire wolf, we cannot be broken -- not even by the might of the lion."

"But -- But father he -- "

"Died with his head held high. He didn't die a broken man, Sansa, he died the way that all of us Stark's will die -- hard and bloody."

Sansa sniffled a little while wrapping her arms around her sister. Alanna allowed the embrace from Sansa knowing that her sister needed it right now.

A throat cleared and caused Sansa to pull away from her sister. Her eyes widened and her eyes shot to the ground.

"Lord Tywin."

She said bowing quickly as Alanna rose to her feet. Tywin stood there looking between the two with his hands clasped behind his back.

"Might you excuse us for a moment Sansa?"

Tywin questioned, his eyes on Alanna as he asked. Sansa nodded and quickly fleed without so much as looking up at Tywin. Sansa had left the two alone as she had been asked.

Tywin's gaze never faulted as he approached Alanna slowly, like the lion stalking its prey would do.

"How much did you hear?"

She questioned looking up at Tywin through her lashes.

"Enough to know that you don't believe I've broken you."

Tywin slightly growled. He stopped when their chests touched and his arms trapped her by his hands grabbing the balcony behind her. Her breath hitched as she looked up at him.

"Someone could see -- "

"Let them. You honestly believe anyone would dare talk?"


Was all she had managed to say before Tywin's lips fell upon hers. His hand caressed her body slowly as they stood off to the side of the party in the dark, their only light given to them by the moon.

With her back pressed to the ledge Alanna looked up at Tywin after he pulled away.

"You look radiant. I do hope you realize that you stole the show from your sister?"

"What better way to calm her nerves for her wedding than to steal everyone's attention?"

Tywin growled at her silver tongue. His lips moving down along her neck as she gave a small gasp, his hands linger around her buttocks as he gave a small squeeze.

"I want you to come to my chambers tonight."

"Oh? Really now?"

"Yes, really."

Tywin growled as he pressed himself against her. She blushed a bit. For a man his age there was no lack of sexual conduct between the two of them -- something that suprised Alanna.

Although Tywin was sixty-seven, he had the body of a twenty something and the libido of such as well.

She gazed up at him, feeling one of his hands move from her ass and then caress her cheek softly. His piercing green gaze sending chills down her spine.

"I'll see you later tonight then."

She whispered causing Tywin to smirk before he moved back in to kiss her once more.

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