Caused by You

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Alanna's fingers traced over her sex. She bit her bottom lip as she found her clit and circled it with her fingers. She was alone in her chambers and of course the way Tywin had left her in the gardens had her in her current position.

She was completely ashamed of her current condition.

Tywin's voice repeating in her head.

"I've already broken you."

His deep voice replaying over and over again as she rocked her hips into her hand. Laying out on her bed she felt the coils in her stomach turning. She felt herself becoming closer and closer to the edge.

Biting down on her lips she was nearly there.

A knock came to the door causing her to gasp and bolt up from the bed. She quickly fixed her dress and made herself presentable.

"Come in!"

She called out as she sat on the edge of her bed. Grabbing the book from the nightstand quickly and opening it to a random page. Her eyes looked at the book and then up to the person who cleared their throat.

"Tywin? What a suprise."

She greeted closing her book and holding it in her lap. She attempted to keep the blush from her face, but she was sure she was failing miserably.

"I'm not interrupting anything am I?"

He questioned closing the door behind him. She swallowed harshly when she noticed Tywin locking the door behind him.

"No, just finishing up my book."

She told him holding up the book motioning it around a bit so Tywin could see. Tywin had his hands behind his back as he walked toward her.

"Reading with quiet the lack of light aren't you?"

He questioned, his tone amused as if knowing that the book was just a coil cover up for something else. Alanna swallowed and gave him a small smile.

"Too much light distracts me. Which is why I enjoy reading at night more than any other time."

Tywin snorted and stopped before Alanna. She swore Tywin could hear her heart about to fly from her chest. He looked down at her a sly and knowing smirk gracing his lips.

"I don't think you were reading at all."

"You don't?"

"As a matter of fact I don't."

"What do you think I was doing then, Lord Tywin?"

She challenged, watching as Tywin reached down and plucked the book from her hand and tossed it onto the nightstand. It made a loud thud as it hit. Tywin's green-golden eyes locked with her blue-golden ones. She looked up at the older man, knowing that he knew. How could he not with that look he gave her.

"I believe you were touching yourself in sensual areas that are only meant for your future husband."

Alanna knew now that her face was red like an apple. Between his deep voice and knowing that she was caught, Alanna felt so embarrased.

Tywin blinked slowly as his hand came out and his fingers were placed under her chin. His lips then decended over hers and she kissed back almost instantly. Tywin pressed Alanna back toward the bed, her back falling upon the soft mattress.

She gapsed when she felt Tywin's hands moving to her waist and started to unbutton the front buttons of her clothing. Her breath hitched when he had undone the front and then worked to pull the cloth from her body, breaking away to better remove her dress.

"H-How did you know?"

She questioned needing to know how the old lion knew what she had been doing before he came into the room. Tywin's never stopped undressing her until she was completely naked beneath him.

His eyes raked up her porcilne colored skin all the way from her legs, sex, stomach, breasts, neck and lastly her face. His hand came across her cheek slowly, feeling the heat from her embarrassment.

"Because I was doing the same myself before coming here to my soon to be wife."

He spoke coolly before pulling away and unfastening his pants and pulling forth his cock. Alanna kept her gaze on Tywin, afraid to look at it.

Her mother always told her that a man's penis came in many different shapes and sizes. Some large, some small, some wide, some not. Regardless, Alanna was too green to wish to look upon Tywin's cock tonight.

"M-my Lord?"

"What is it?"

He questioned as his lips decended upon her soft flesh. She gasped and arched into him. Her fingers actually coming up and grabbing his shoulders. She moaned softly closing her eyes as her breathing was heavy and frantic.

"S-Shouldnt we wait? F-For our wedding night?"

She questioned fear sliding through her body over the fact that Tywin was indeed about ready to fuck her in her chambers prior to their marraige.

"What would be the difference between now and then?"

Tywin questioned pulling away from her skin to look at her. He noticed the worry in her expression and it was almost as if he understood to some degree what worried her.

"If you're worried about people talking don't be. You're to be my wife. There's no one alive foolish enough to say something disrespectful about myself or my family and get away with it -- including my future wife."

He told her. It didn't help Alanna to not be nervous. But it did calm her slightly. But that hadn't been her main concern at all, then again she couldn't really go on to say why she was worried.

Tywin wouldn't appreciate it at all.

So, she gave into the old lion and allowed him to continue with his kisses along her skin up to the point where his fingers graced her sex.

"You're soaked."

He growled, his voice even deeper than before which sent a chill down Alanna's back.

"It's -- It's because of you."

She informed him feeling his fingers dip into her sex. She gasped loudly and bucked into his fingers. Tywin's lips twitched along with his cock. He grinned against her neck while placing kisses against her skin.

Her eyes snapped shut when she felt his fingers being removed and then his cock being moved to take its postion.

His lips moved from her neck and fell upon her lips as he slid inside her. She clenched her hands tighter around him. The pain was almost too great for her to handle, she didn't understand how anyone could enjoy this type of event.

Her body felt like it was going to be ripped in half.

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