Dear Sister

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Alanna sat in her room. Even Harrenhal felt more like a prison. As Alanna sat on the edge of her bed in her room she was thinking about Tywin's proposal that she had accepted on the terms that Sansa wouldn't be harmed.

She had already lost one sister, she didn't need to loose another. She knew Joffery was a loose cannon after the fact that he had beheaded her father and from what she had heard the rumors he had Sansa watch the whole event.

She sighed and put her head in her hands. She was still young, she didn't want to be married and used as a birthing cow to give heirs to Tywin Lannister. The man had been rather - enduring - to say the least this last week or so, but she had heard horrible stories about the man.

She had heard the song "Reins of Castermere" and she was taught about how he stormed King's Landing and beamed the Royal Family and presented them to King Robert, or late King she should say.

The man was as cold and cruel as they came from what she knew and his family no better than himself. The way Tyrion had been accused of attempting to kill Bryan by pushing him from the window of a tower.

Which was odd enough because Tyrion had always seemed the kindest of the children.

But even he was a book that you couldn't judge just by his cover alone.

Standing from her bed, Alanna huffed and sniffled as she started pacing around the room. She knew that her brother was going to die by Tywin's hands. She knew it. Even though they had yet to loose a battle yet, still -- Robb was too ambitious, he always had been ever since he was small.

Alanna hated to admit it, but her mother was right when she told her that she was the words of reason when it came to her brother. Alanna helped him be held together during their fathers beheading, even though she herself had been thrown into a pit of grieving and depression.

She was the eldest and had to stay strong for her family.

"Robert, Robert, Robert -- you've in over your head on this one."

Alanna muttered to herself as she bit her thumbnail. She moved to the window and was greeted by the crisp night air. Looking out she could see the lining of the tents of both the Lannister and Tyrell army. The torches flickered in the night showing just how many tents there were outside the castle walls.

Suddenly Alanna whipped around when she heard the door behind her open. Whoever it wasn't didn't even knock and it startled her. An intruder was the first thought that crossed her mind, and that meant that there weren't guards outside her door any longer.

But to her suprise, it was a more than welcomed guest.


Arya cried as she rushed into her shocked elder sister's arms. Alanna stood there wide-eyed as she looked down at Arya before she quickly dropped to her knees and took her sister's face between her hands.

"Arya! You're alive!? What are you doing here?"

Alanna had so many questioned as she embraced her distraught younger sister. She stroked the back of her head as she held Arya close.

"My friends and I were picked up as prisoners. We were brought here and then when Lord Tywin arrived I was made his cupbearer."

"Thank the Gods you're alright. But how ever did you escape King's Landing?"

"The Hound helped me."

Alanna's eyes widened. The Hound had helped her to escape? Had the whole world been flipped upside and gone mad!?

"What are you doing here? Is it true? I heard the maids gossiping about you're to marry Tywin! Please, tell me it's not true!"

Arya pleaded her hands gripping her sisters arms tightly as she pulled back a little and looked her in the eyes. Alanna blinked slowly several times before her hands found themselves on the sides of Arya's face once again.

"I was picked up by Lannister soilders when I was put hunting at Robb's camp. Tywin refused to let me leave once Robb refused his offer to take me back in exchange for his son or Robb's surrender. And I'm afraid it's true. I'm doing it to protect Sansa."

"No! You can't! You can't marry him, he's a Lannister!"

"Arya please, you must be quiet or else someone will hear you!"

Alanna snapped causing Arya to shut her mouth and drop her head. Biting her bottom lip Alanna pulled her sister into another embrace and held her for a much, much longer amount of time.

"I have to protect this family. Tywin gave me his word that if I marry him, Sansa will be protected. I thought you dead, Arya, I couldn't end up loosing Sansa as well."

She whispered into her sisters ear. Arya held tightly onto the back of Alanna's shirt and buried her head into her shoulder.

"Everything will be okay, Arya. I promise."

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