Lady of the Rock

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"Alanna wait!"

Alanna had been on her way to the throne room when Jaime had called out to her. She turned around and seen the man headed for her.

"Jaime? What is it? The trail is about to start and I must -- "

"Please, you must help me. Father plans on killing Tyrion."

Alanna's eyes widened as she looked up at Jaime. Surely not? Surely Tywin would not kill a Lannister from the main line? His own son?

"You are sure?"

She questioned feeling odd having this conversation with the man. True she might have just married his father - and was now technically Jaime's mother - she was still extremely pushed back about taking drastic measures against any Lannister due to the well known nature that the family takes when crossed.

"You must speak with father and attempt to convince him."

Her eyes widened. Now she most certainly was baffled by this notion. Jaime was practically begging her to help save his younger brother from what Jaime believed would be a death sentence.

"And how am I to convince the Hand of the King to spare a supposed King Slayers life?"

"He cares for you, he'll listen to you."

Alanna couldn't help but scoff. Tywin Lannister might have cared about her but there was no possibly way that he would listen to her. He and she both had heard all there was to hear about Tyrion's personality and how he hated Joffery - who didn't really - even still with all the evidence showed against him Alanna couldn't help but believe that everyone was pushing too hard to make him seem juilty.

"He will not. You put too much faith in me Jaime, I am sorry."

She said turning back around and leaving the golden boy standing in the hallway watching as she retreated toward the throne room. She had arrived just in time to take her seat nearest to the throne. All eyes wandered along her body as she was the last to enter and sit.

Alanna could practically feel Tywin's eyes on her due to her almost lateness. She was now a Lannister and was held to much higher standards. Ones that she couldn't allow for slip ups like she had done in the past.

Slowly she turned her eyes toward Tywin and noticed that he was indeed looking at her. She kept her gaze locked with him up until the moment Tyrion was brought in and the judgement begun.


"You should send him to the wall."

Tywin arched a brow as he lifted his head from his lunch to look at Alanna. She too was there eating with him though Tywin noticed she had yet to touch her food. He sighed deeply and cleaned his face with a napkin before he plucked up his cup of water - since they still had yet to find the person responsible for the posion in his wine.

"You honestly believe that the Queen will stand for that?"

He questioned causing Alanna to bite the inside of her cheek.

"It doesn't really matter what the Queen wants does it? You're Hand of the King, which puts you in a position above her."

"Yes it does. But since it puts me in that position showing pitty on the man because he carries my name is a weakness I won't allow."

"Weakness? He's a dwarf that is to be sent to the wall. How is that weakness when you and I both know someone such as him wouldn't survive the year?"

"Because it is not what a King Slayer deserves!"

Tywin snapped causing Alanna's mouth to snap shut. She was silent for a moment, mustering the courage to speak again.

"And what about Jaime? He too is a King Slayer and yet he walks the halls golden armor, white cloak, sword. Shouldn't he have been beheaded or is it different because he was on your side?"

Alanna watched as Tywin clinched his jaw together out of frustration. He was becoming rather cross with how supportive Alanna was with Tyrion in wanting him to live.

"Why do you care weather he lives or dies? You seem to care an awful lot about the man. Care to explain why that might be?"

"Because he's my friend. He's helped me. He helped save my life, our child! Have you forgotten that!"

"Of course not."

Tywin snorted and shook his head before he cast his eyes out to the beauty of the courtyard. His eyes lingered there for a moment before he moved them back to Alanna. It was then that the doors behind her opened and Tywin's gaze moved to Jaime who had entered the room.

"Father please, I must speak to you about Tyrion."

Tywin arched a brow as he looked between Jaime and Alanna and scoffed.

"I see... let me guess you want me to spare his life and send him to the wall as well?"

Jaime was quiet for a moment before he glanced down at Alanna who sat there keeping her eyes on Tywin. Hearing his father give a slight sarcastic laugh Jaime looked back to him.

"I was wondering why you were pushing so strongly, now I understand the reasoning."

Tywin told Alanna looking at her before he glanced back over to his son.

"You think using my wife against me will change anything?"

Tywin spoke up looking at Jaime, who stood there with his arm draped across his sword.

"I wasn't using her against you, father."

"No? Trying to get Tyrion sent to the wall instead of his head on a pike by having her speak to me isn't using her?"

Jaime was silent for a moment as he hung his head and sighed deeply. He then relooked to his father and gritted his teeth.

"He's my brother. You once told me that the family name is the only thing that lives on. He's a Lannister."

Alanna felt very awkward sitting here listening to father and son speaking about Tyrion and their views on the matter. But she didn't say anything as she allowed for them to continue speaking.

"Indeed. He's a Lannister."

His father agreed. Jaime shook his head and took a step forward.

"Then let him live! I'll -- I'll renounce my oath as King's Guard and become your heir to Casterly Rock if you let him live!"


Alanna's gaze snapped toward Tywin as he gave the quick amswer. Her eyes widened. He had wanted Jaime to come to him and offer this deal? She blinked slowly -- how could Tywin refuse such an offer and knowing it was all Jaime could give.

"You will renounce your oath forthwith and return to Casterly Rock where you will take a wife and bear children which will carry on the Lannister line. In exchange, Tyrion will not die."

Jaime and Alanna both were silent for a long moment before Jaime gave a quick bow and proceeded to the door. He seemed just as shocked as she did hearing that Tywin had said. She looked to her husband with an arched brow.


She started finally finding her voice causing Tywin to look at her with a slightly amused expression from the conversation.

"So much for Lady of the Rock."

She said causing Tywin's amusement to leave his face.

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