Master of Law

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"It's been several days, how is everything?"

Tywin questioned looking at the woman who sat beside him at the dinner table. Tonight Tywin decided he wanted to have dinner with his wife to be, and of course Alanna wasn't going to complain; she knew better.

"How have they been?"

She questioned wondering what his actual meaning was with the question. Did he mean her, how Cersei was treating her -- what?

"Tyrion came to me and told me that Sansa had sought comfort in you after he told her that they were to wed."

Tywin said looking at her. She kept her gaze with his as he spoke, learning very early on that Tywin had most of his power by who broke eye contact first.

"And whatever you apparently told her settled and she was less of a mess. So, how is everything?"

"It's fine. I told her that her marraige could have been a worse one. That she could still be engaged to Joffery. That Tyrion is kind if she could only give him a chance."

"Kind... yes, I suppose he is. One of the few traits he has that's redeemable."

Tywin said as he sipped his wine and clicked his tongue afterwards. He looked back at Alanna, watching as her eyes widdened a bit as he reached out and placed his left hand over her right. She looked at him, seeing the gleam in his eyes.

"Your silver tongue seems to help once more."

"I wouldn't say that..."

"Why not? It's true. You've made my job much easier. My son isn't in such a fowl mood anymore due to Sansa being a bit more perky."

He said, his thumb caressing slowly over Alanna's hand. His calloused hands feeling nice on her soft skin. It must have been years of carrying a sword that made his hands that way, it wouldn't suprise her at all.

"I think you deserve a reward for that."


She questioned seeing the same gleam in his eyes still as he moved his hand from hers and dug into his pocket. She didn't understand where this was going. What could Tywin Lannister possibly have that would be rewarding for someone like herself?

She watched as he pulled out a small piece of paper and it obviously had some weight to it by the sound it made when it hit the table.

She blinked slowly and scooped up the paper and opened it. She blinked as a small golden key fell from the inside of it. Her mouth opened slightly confused as she looked at it laying there on the table.

"What is..."

She started to say as she read the paper. Her brows arched as she looked from the paper to Tywin.

"Are you... Surely you are joking?"

"Do I seem like I joke?"

"Tywin this is -- "

"Something that you've earned."

He said cutting her off. She looked back down at the paper. It was obviously by his orders, even though it was signed by Joffery.

"Master of Laws. Tywin, why?"

"Your silver tongue is shown that you can be more than useful when it comes to taking control of situations. You're also intelligent, and strong willed. I believe that you're more than able to keep the laws in place around her, even those that reside over the King and the Queen."

That's when it dawned on her. Probably the reason why Tywin why he was giving her this position. Even King's and Queens had to obey the laws. Rules were rules and changing them were not that simple as one might think.

This was indeed a great power that was placed in the palm of her hands and one that Alanna did not fully understand. It was also a job, one that would bring her in her own currency, which would have Tywin spending less of his money on her in the long run.

"Thank you, Tywin. I will do my best to do a fair job."

"See to it that you do."

He said with a nod before he went back to eating his meal.

Alanna sat there looking at the letter. She was thinking about how much of a game changer this could be for both her and her sister. She now held actual power, not just that of Tywin Lannister's wife, but also of Master of Laws.

This - to Alanna - was something she never imagined in her wildest dreams. She then took a quick and unnoticed look at Tywin. The old man was eating his meal, just like any regular nobleman would eat.

She felt her heart skip a beat. There it was again, that odd feeling she got when she looked at Tywin. It was a mixture between that of loathing and yet admiration. The battle between the two never letting way, expecially after her talk with Sansa.

Finally Alanna laid the paper down and placed the key back inside, folding it up neatly and placing it off to the side. She then joined Tywin in proceeding to continue eating her meal.

The pieces falling into place.

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