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It was a constant war, Alanna knew this. It was a war with both herself and the people that surrounded her.

Her feelings for Tywin were growing from just more than admiration at this point but honestly what had she expected being in confined spaces, having sex with him, dinner, and everything in between?

The fact that she was slowly starting to overlook the fact that he was part of her father's death - he was a Lannister after all - and that his grandson was basically a mad king, she couldn't keep her feelings tucked away forever.

And to top everything off, Tywin seemed to be in a giving mood as of late. Not just with the whole pleasurable sex, but also things that actually meant something to other people.

Master of Laws.

That was the job he bestowed upon her. Granted that she didn't work everyday to fulfill the job unlike Tywin being Hand, but she did work. She worked and often Tyrion and his friend Bronn would swing by to see how she was doing.

Of course she would be poliet, yet responsible, and send the two of them on their way -- or try to as best as possible.

"So what's a pretty little thing like you, my lady, doing with an old thing like Lord Tywin?"

Bronn asked one afternoon as the three of them were sitting around while Alanna was looking over some old laws to educate herself.

Her head raised from the papers. By now she had learned that Bronn wanted her for himself. He was a nice man, but not someone she was willing to loose her life over when it came to an affair.

"Well, I could tell you that."

Tyrion spoke up looking to his friend with a chuckle and a smirk. Bronn looked at Tyrion with an arched brow.

"She's young, has money, and smart. Not to mention she's exceedingly radiant."

"Dear Gods, Tyrion."

Alanna said rolling her eyes as she let a large book fall upon her desk over the current open one.

"Why don't you go say those types of things to my sister? After all, she is to be your wife."

She reminded him as if he had forgotten. Tyrion was quiet for a moment as he seemed to be sad as he looked at the desk then over at Bronn, who was grinning like a mad man. Tyrion cocked a brow and shook his head before looking back at her.

"Yes, and what a lovely wife she'll be once we're married."

Tyrion said causing Alanna to glance at him with a cocked brow before she shook her head and and dove back into her work.

"Any news on your dear big brother yet, Tyrion?"

"Just that he's apparently been picked up and is being brought back home. Why? Concerned for the younger man?"

Alanna sighed and closed the book. She dropped her quill down onto the desk and gave a sarcastic chuckle as she looked at him.

"Can you please go elsewhere? I'm very busy with all this. I'm fairly certain you have work to do as well, Tyrion."

Bronn and Tyrion just gave a quick sideways glance toward each other before Tyrion did a little jig with his head as he turned to look at back at Alanna.

"Apologizes, we'll take our leave now. Come along Bronn. You can continue to swoon girls, accept pay for their attention instead."

Tyrion said as he dropped out of the chair and and waddled away. Bronn gave Alanna a smug smirk and bow before he too left behind Tyrion. Alanna rolled her eyes and scoffed as she re-opened the book now being alone.

She didn't know how much time had ended up passing, but it had went from the early morning to no sun left in the sky. She hadn't even touched both meals that had been brought to her throughout the day as she had her nose stuck in the book.

"I should have known that being a bookworm wouldn't get in the way of your work, but rather the small breaks in between."

Alanna didn't have to look up to know who it was that spoke to her. Tywin had wandered into her work chambers and helped himself to the wine that was placed at the edge of the desk beside her untouched tray of food.

"Some of these I'd never even heard about, I didn't want to stop reading, I had to learn more."

She explained finally looking away from the black ink on the cream paper and up to Tywin. He was standing beside her and sipping his wine.

"That's all well and done, but you need to eat."

He said. Alanna gave a small frown as she looked toward her plate, knowing the food had to be completely chilled by this point. And it was almost as if he read her mind Tywin snorted and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Come dine with me."

She looked back up to him and blinked slowly. How could such a cold hearted and veil man be so damn nice to her she found herself wondering again.

"Alright, I'll finish this tomorrow then."

"At least you're willing to work, I can't say that about half my current council."

Tywin said dully. Alanna stood from the chair and couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"Who else is as smart as I and you trust enough to assist the Queen?"

So she had heard this conversation with Cersei. Of course he should have known, but the fact caused his lips to twist upward and he wrapped his arm around hers to guide her back to his room.

"And apparently with the ears of a mouse."

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