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"The King beyond the wall is apparently rising an army. He plans to march on the North."

Varys said during the small council. Alanna found herself to Tywin's right, across from the dear Queen. Joffery really didn't have a seat he was walking around the room. Tyrion was of course at the other end of the table from his father and Pycelle to the left of Tyrion.

"Let them. The North is not of our concern."

Tywin said as he looked at Varys. The man gave a small nod and said nothing more on the matter. Alanna quickly noticed that the council was rather... spineless?

So she decided to speak up.

"My Lord, if the white walkers were to march on the North and the North was to loose, who would you think would be their next target?"

The whole room was quiet. Tywin arched a brow as he turned and looked toward Alanna. She blinked slowly looking at him and he at her. The silence set into the room, but Alanna had learned to grow with it.

"After all, what man of power stops only when he reaches the peasants? He's going to continue toward the kingdom."

She added, causing Cersei to snort and chuckle.

"You mean to say you're one of the peasants? The North is after all your home."

"Was my home." Alanna corrected seeing Cersei frown slightly.

"I'm marrying your father, in case it's slipped your mind, which will make me a Lannister. No longer one of the sheep."

"Regardless, you're right."

Tyrion said speaking up from the end of the table. All eyes fell upon him. He gave a slight shrug.

"What's stopping them from storming the South?"


Tywin said his voice coming back to life. He gave Alanna a displeased look before he turned back to Tyrion.

"There's no sense in worrying over nonsense that's not even happened -- nor will it happen."

He said with such a tone that nobody else dared to say anything against him. Alanna even felt uncomfortable now at this point. She sat there thinking to herself -- why in the fuck had she spoken against not only Cersei, but Tywin Lannister himself?

Was she going crazy or was she just getting too big for her own dress? Either way, once she noticed a feeling of dread washed over her and kept her silent for the rest of the meeting.


Alanna was brushing out her hair for the night. She sat there on the small seat dressed in nothing but her white night gown. Her fingers held the brush tightly as she brought it through her hair.

Her long brown Northerner hair. She sat in front of her mirror and looked at herself. Her skin wasn't as pale as prior to her arrival in the South. It was a darker color and it was odd to see against her blue-golden eyes.

Alanna sighed and placed the brush down before just sitting there and watching herself.

"Something troubling you?"

The voice caused her to jump a bit. She felt a tad bit embarrased as she had just been startled by Tywin while in his own room. She turned and looked up at him, seeing him in his dark blue night shirt that reached his ankles - more or less - watching her closely.

"Yes, well... yes."

She said her hands resting in her lap. She sighed through her nose and blinked.

"I realized today that I spoke against not only the Queen, but you as well."

"That's what you're concerned about?"

Alanna was quiet and merely nodded. Biting her bottom lip she rose slowly from the stool and looked up at Twyin.

"I don't know where this... sudden... courage has come from, but it's startling."

"It's not new, it was always there."

He explained causing Alanna to arch a brow. She didn't understand what he was talking about. She had always been witty that was true, but back talking she had never done -- to anyone of actual power at least.

"Between your silver tongue and your disregard for authority -- I knew from the moment you spoke to me inside my war tent that you were the type of woman that if rather have... let's say -- laying naked beneath me than standing with a dagger above me."

Tywin said with a cunning smirk as his arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her into him. Her face was hot and she could feel it. Her hands resting upon Tywin's chest, their bodies extremely close to one another, she could feel his fast heart beneath her hands.

"Well.... I guess you got your wish?"

"Don't I always?"

He questioned leaning in and kissing her softly, slowly, sensually. Alanna moaned and melted into the old lion's arms.

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