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"So, how was the other night?"

Alanna questioned as she shared some lemon cake with her sister. It was a few days after the wedding and Alanna wanted to check up on her younger sibling.

"Did Tyrion bed you?"

Sansa looked away from her sister and shook her head. Alanna gave a small smile and placed her tea cup down. Alanna hadn't really touched much of the small picnic of food or drink that they had. She supposed she wasn't feeling well enough to eat. But, she had wanted to check up on Sansa, so she agreed to this whole little event.

"See, I told you that there was nothing to worry about. He's a good man, I've been telling you this the whole time."

"What about you and Lord Tywin?"

"What about us?"

"I seen him kiss you last night."

Sansa said looking back at her sister. Alanna sat there biting into her lemon cake unfazed by Sansa's answer. Her sister seemed distraught about the while idea still that she and Tywin were to become husband and wife.

"Yes, he kissed me. That's what people do, Sansa, when they're either wed or to be -- they kiss."

Sansa lowered her gaze a bit due to the blunt and honest answer. Alanna sighed through her nose before taking another sip from her tea.

She couldn't blame Sansa, the woman was young, hardly fourteen, while Alanna was twenty-three and nearing twenty-four.

But what was to be expected? It had been nearly a whole year. That much time had managed to pass - eight months since she had been taken captive by Tywin and six since she had been betrothed to him - so Sansa shouldn't have been suprised by anything she seen anymore.

"In time you'll grow to understand. And in time, when you have your own children, you'll be telling them the same things that I am telling you now."

Alanna said placing her tea cup down. The whole time Shae had been present but hadn't spoken a word, merely watching the two women speaking.

"It's just like how our mother and father started out. They didn't love each other, but overtime there was a love that slowly grew between them. The same, I know, will happen with you and Tyrion."

"And what about you and Lord Tywin? Do you honestly believe that a monster like him will ever love you?"

There was a long and drawn out pause from Alanna. She sat there looking at Sansa. She wasn't going to truthfully tell her sister that she only wished Tywin would grow to love her -- or tell her that she believed that he already did to some degree.

She didn't need her sister confused or hating her for falling for such a man who was known for his cruelty. Alanna had to admit that she didn't even understand how it happened, it just sort of... happened.

"If it's one thing that I've learned about Tywin Lannister it's that he's a family man, and a family man - in some form or another - loves his family."

She said and then sipping her tea. Sansa sat there for a moment. She didn't like the answer that Alanna had given. She was far too smart when it came to using her words - something that Sansa had never been any good at and Arya had picked up a bit - because if she was unsure she'd use her words in the manner she had done.

Never giving a yes or no answer.

"Lady Stark."

Suddenly the door to Sansa's new chambers swung open and there was a messenger boy. Alanna looked to him and wondered what could be so important that he bust into her sister's room.

"You've been requested at the council."

Alanna arched a brow. She placed her cup back down onto the small saucer and rose from her seat.

"Excuse me, sister."

She said before making her there. She walked swiftly as a pair of guards escorted her - Tywin's orders apparently - all the way to the small council room in the tower of the Hand.

Opening the doors she entered, the guards lingering outside and closing the doors behind her.

"I was summoned?"

She questioned looking at everyone at the table. Everyone's expression were nutral, all but for Tyrion, Joffery, and the Queen.

Alanna looked among everyone as Joffery excitedly moved to her seat and patted the back of it.

"Come, come, have a seat Lady Stark you'll most certainly want to be sitting for this!"

He snapped happily causing Alanna to pause for a moment before she took her seat to the right of Tywin.

"Show her the note!"

Tyrion passed the note down the table, his expression grim and watching Alanna as she took the note and read it.

Her eyes widened for a moment as everyone could hear her breath hitch. Joffery's grin widened as he danced around a bit. Alanna just kept re-reading and re-reading the words over and over.

Walder Fray and two wolf pelts -- her family had been killed by Walder Fray at a wedding.

"Robb Stark and his bitch mother are dead!"

Joffery laughed loudly finding joy in Alanna's expression.

"Seems like you and your sister are the only ones left. But oh don't fret, you're marrying my grandfather -- at least you'll keep your head!"

Joffery laughed as he placed his hands on Alanna's shoulders and gave them a squeeze while he laughed and nodded his head. He then pulled away and walked back around the table.

Alanna's gaze still on the words written on the parchment, knowing that she must have been as pale as a ghost. Looking up, Alanna felt as if her body was moving on its own. She felt like she was going to loose the lemon cakes that she had just eaten with Sansa.

The people talking were muffled in her ears as she stood from her chair slowly. Joffery and Tyrion stopped talking when they noticed her standing.

"My lady?"

Tyrion questioned watching Alanna turn around and suddenly collapse to the floor.

"Oh dear Gods!"

Varys cried out watching the brunette succumb to the floor. Tywin's chair scooted out from underneath him


He as he and Tyrion both climbed up from their chairs. Tywin kneeled onto the floor and turned Alanna over, he couldn't believe that she had fainted.

"Take her to her chambers -- Measter Pycelle, give her something for her fainting spell."

"Yes Lord Tywin."

Pycelle said as some guards helped to carry her out of the room. Tywin then stood and straightened out his uniform before turning and giving Joffery a look that could skin the boy alive if it could.

Joffery merely shrunk back, knowing that he had pushed to far on the subject.

He knew, because Tywin Lannister was pissed.

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