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Alanna was hot as hell. She swore she was going to melt laying there lounging in a chair with her feet kicked up. She was currently in a dress that barely covered anything. It was something that looked like it was from Drone if she were being honest.

The light silk was nearly see-through as the fabric was light and helped a tad bit when it came to cooling her down. It still wasn't good enough for her however and she didn't understand why she was so damn hot. Sighing, she climbed up from the chair only to retrieve a glass of water and then she returned to her seat.

"Well, you seem perky today."

Tyrion said as he let himself into the room. Alanna sighed and turned to look at him while taking a sip of her drink.

"Yes, dear brother?"

She sighed picking up a small fan she had by her on the all table and opened it, fanning herself. Tyrion chuckled as he walked forward and it was only till he stopped before her did he see the way she was dresses. He cleared his throat as he took a moment to admire her before she caught onto him.

"Behave, Tyrion. Your wife is my younger sister."

"And you to be my new mother, such an impass I assure you."

Alanna could only grin a little as she gazed upon Tyrion and straightened herself up a bit so she could be a bit more peoper.

"And why are you here? I'm not really in the mood for visitors."

"I'm here -- my lady, because I am Master of Coin and here to discuss the wedding plans with you and my father."

Tyrion said taking a seat beside her. She cleared her throat and looked at him.

"Your dear father wishes to not have to pay for everything?"

"Mmm, he doesn't wish to pay a lot."

Alanna rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I couldn't care less. The smaller the better. I'm not exactly made of money -- unlike my dear husband to be, who apparently shits gold."

Tyrion couldn't help but laugh at her remark and grin up at her. It was apparent that she too had heard enough of the rumors about his father.

How wonderful.

"Careful, you might be his wife to be, but he's still as threatening to even his family."

"No need to warn me, he just killed the rest of my family. I've no one left but my dear sister. I know what the man is capable of doing."

Tyrion passed for a moment. He hadn't expected this conversation about weddings to take such a horrid turn. He had come in here expecting a little downers here and there, but Alanna wasn't one to beat around a bush apparently.

The things he was quickly learning about this woman made him both admire her more and feel that much more sorry for her.

"Small wedding should save him a gracious amount of money that I can assure you. Anything else you'd like to add?"

"I could do without the after party. Going straight to the bedding for us and ending the day would prove useful to the both of us. He has his work and I have mine and Sansa."

Tyrion nodded, understanding the events in a whole. He sighed deeply and glanced away for a moment before he looked back to her.

"How are you faring? Tell me that at least you're eating?"

Alanna looked to him. It was true since the death of the rest of their family Sansa had refused more or less to eat. She wouldn't even eat for Alanna. She swore that the child blamed her, but it wasn't her fault. She had spent months trying to figure out a way to seduce Tywin in hopes that she could figure out a way to save her remaining family, but it seemed as if it was all in vein.

While she spent time trying to make him fall for her, she ended up doing that exact same with him.

She felt her stomach flop again and sighed, this heat wasn't agreeing with her apparently and was making her feel sick.

"Is that all Tyrion?"

"Not feeling like company?"

"Not feeling like much at all. The heat is making me sick."

Tyrion gave her a small smile before he sighed and hopped down off his chair. Looking at her he then nodded.

"I shall inform my Lord Father of your wishes. No doubt he will be pleased to know that his wife isn't interested in extravagant things."

Alanna sighed deeply and fixed herself to lay back against the chair once Tyrion showed himself out. Alanna closed her eyes hoping that she could catch a bit of rest even in the heat.

She closed her eyes and finally managed to get some sleep.

It didn't feel like a long sleep, but it had been so, when she was shaken awake by a calloused hand on her thigh. Alanna's eyes fluttered open as she gazed up into the green-golden ones that entranced her soul.


"Your handmaiden was suppose to fetch you for dinner, but they informed me you were sleeping."

He stated sitting there with his hand still placed on her thigh. She felt a blush rise to her cheeks when she felt Tywin's eyes raked over her exposed body in a slow manner.

"Tyrion told me you weren't feeling well. Said the heat was bothering you."

He was concerned for her.

"I'm fine Tywin. Just a bit tired and the heat has turned my stomach. Trying my best to keep cool."

"Yes, I can see that..."

He said as his other hand reached out and his fingers touched underneath her breast causing her to bite her bottom lip.

"You're dressed like a harlot."

His voice slightly deep as his eyes lingered on her nearly exposed breasts. Alanna couldn't help but chuckle and look at Tywin.

"It was the only way I could think of to keep cool."

"Laying naked in my bed never crossed your mind?"

Alanna felt her cheeks burning now. Tywin Lannister might have acted like a respectful man, but once Alanna came to actually knowing him, she found out that his cock lead him quiet often -- at least when they were alone.

Outside of their chambers, he was still the strong, powerful, and sadistic man that the rest of the world knew him to be.

But now, and just like many times prior, he was relaxed and extremely playful in a manner that always brought a blush to her cheeks.

"Get changed and then we can go have dinner."

He told her, his hand slowly moving away from her breast as he leaned away from her. She sat up a bit more. The air had cooled around her and she didn't feel as sick as before. Her stomach had settled a bit as she rose from the chair.

She heard Tywin inhale deeply causing her to turn around and look at him. His eyes smoldering seeing the way her ass seemed to show through the gown and her tits the same. She quickly turned away and headed to the wardrobe to get dressed in something more proper for her dinner with Tywin.

Although at this point she didn't believe Tywin would be focusing much on the dinner persay and would be more focused on her.

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