What in the world?!

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In the White Leader's office
“Have you done it yet?”I asked smiling,She nodded as i muttered “Yes!”
In excitement i tried to exit the door but quickly stopped with a hand grabbing my shoulder.I turned around to face Geline “Wait just a moment Tord”She said as she signaled me to sit down,I groaned obeying her order.I sighed “So?”I said grumpily,She smirked and placed her two hands in her chin “So,I came up with a plan on how to attack little Blacky here~”She said as she opened a hologram of Black Leader.

I stared at it while she was talking “I came out with a plan,”She frowned “Involves Thomas”She continued looking down at her desk.I turned my face in anger but as soon as i argued she stopped me “We need Thomas in this plan and if we do not involve HIM it will fail,”She said placing her hands on a paper assuming a contract “Also i need you to sign this contract too so we have an official agreement,”She slid the paper infront of me “Do you understand,Mr Larsin?”She questioned handing me a quill.

I look at her with a furious face but signed it anyway “Good choice.”

At Casey and Riley's Dorm!
Casey was pretty much sweating and shivering on what happened to Liken,He knows its only been a day but he was so fucking worried.He hugged himself on his bed trying to make himself calm but it won't work “GAH!W-where is he???Is he dead??Or kidnapped!!O-or tortured!!Or even worst-!?”Casey was interrupted by Riley who slapped her hand on Casey's mouth to shut him up “Can you shut the fuck for just a minute?You lazy ass”Riley said sarcastically,But Casey didn't take the joke.

“Ugh.Look pretty boy,If you're fucking worrying about your boyfriend so much why don't you save him?”Riley chuckled as Casey jumped off his bed pointing his hand at the ceiling “Great idea!”“W-wait i was just joking!Casey no!”Riley screamed as Casey run off towards the door slamming it,Riley jumped off her bed and chased the tall man.

Casey was smiling like an idiot thinking of how his gonna save Liken “I'm coming princess!”Casey screamed,Riley gave up and stayed at the wall grumpily leaning on it with her hand “That idiot!”

At Edd and Matt's Dorm...!
Edd sat there silently reading a unknown book on his bed,Matt just looked at himself in the mirror saying how amazing he is and how he is better than anyone.Edd sighed getting annoyed by his roommate saying such nonsense “Matt,Can you please be quiet for just one minute?”Said Edd,Matt looked at him confused but started glaring.Matt laughed “Hah!You're just jealous that Tom knows how handsome i am!”He laughed.

Edd gently placed his book on the bed and started crossing his arms staring at Matt “Really?You think Tom likes you?What a laugh”Edd replied,Matt placed his hands on the bed “Yeah,What?Are you jealous that he loves me more-?”“Yeah!!”Edd screamed in reply as he interrupted the ginger.They started arguing as Casey barged into their door “DUDES!We gotta find Liken!!”Casey said as he was grabbed by Riley “Sorry for the inconvinience guys!”Riley apologised as Casey tried to get her grip off.

Riley slammed the door closed making the two flinch from their bed “What the heck happened...?”Edd questioned,They just shrugged it off and continued to argue.

At Tom and Tord's dorm...!
Tom panicked not knowing what to do in this situation,He thought of staying in Edd or Riley's dorm but it would be rude if he stayed there.He also thought of staying in the bathroom and cry himself to sleep,Tom just gave up and hid under the bed “...I'll just sleep here...”Tom muttered.

Tord barged into the door happily and started searching for Tom ‘A great opportunity to confess my love!’Tord thought still searching “Tom?Tom?Tom?Tom?Where are you!?”Tord screeched aggresively not finding the gremlin,He then thought of searching under the bed.He slapped his face with his hand being stupid,He bend down and he finally saw Tom.

Tord smiled as Tom looked at him in terror “H-hey Tord...?”Tom said still terrified,Tord pulled his arm to let him out under the bed “This is the bed Tom”Tord laughed.Tom just wanted to run to the bathroom and sleep there,He didn't want to have contact and share a place with other people.Just as Tord start to confess Edd and Matt barged into the door (RIP DOORS,ALWAYS ABUSED #LETDOORSHAVEMERCY)

“Stop right there Tord!”Edd said in a heroic tone “You will never get away of what you'll do!”Matt replied aswell,Tord growled under his breath as he gently sat Tom in the bed.They began to argue and fight on how they should be fair and not cheat “...Cheat?”Tom finally said as the three men swayed their head towards the confused lad,They began to sweat “Hehe uhh a...-”Edd said as Tord interrupted him “Test!Yes a Test!W-we were having a test”Tord said suspiciously.

Tom just glared at them but then fell asleep because of how tired he is,They sighed in relief as they walk out off the room.Tord left last as they again began argue.

Yey!I finally updated!I know its short but hey?Also they've been slamming the door hard (Lenny face)
Have mercy on the doors please!

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