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Tom tried to open his 'eyes' from all the sounds "...Love me..." The sound spoke,'What???'Tom thought.He tried to stand up but he was paralyzed,"Love me love me love me love me love me love me love me"Tord muttered staring straightly to Tom with a dark aura at his background,"...What the fuuu..."Tom said confused of what the communist is doing.

"Hey Tord-"Riley greeted seeing what Tord is doing,"Cut that shit out"She slammed her hand on Tord's head creating a bump in his head.Tord held his head where Riley hit her "Ow,Jesus fucking christ Riley!"Tord growled,Riley just laughed and sat down at one of the seats."When will we land?"Casey questioned,"I dunno man"Riley answered.

"So,You aren't worried about Liken?"Tom said finally getting up,"...Liken?Hm no of course no-HOLY SHIT WHERE IS HE?!"Casey said finally remembering him,He began panicking and screaming.Tom stared at Tord with a blank face "What were you doing earlier huh Tord...?"Tom growled at Tord,Tord just laughed nervously and ran towards the pilot's place.

Edd and Matt walked through the scene "Hey Tim,Ryle,and Cisey!"Matt greeted smiling,"Tch.It's fucking Riley you Tall ginger!"Riley growled.The two just walked over to Tom greeting him and talking to him including flirting,They acted like there's no one there except them and Tom.

Tord talked to the pilot and said "When will we land?""In three minutes sir"The pilot answered,Tord nodded and left the room.Just in time when Riley was going to slap Casey's face and where Edd and Matt will fight because of Tom,"What the fuck happened when i was gone?"Tord questioned while walking over to Tom picking him up.

"Hey Tord don't touch Tom."Edd said smiling mixed with anger,Tord let go of Tom and landed him into a soft couch.
The three started arguing again while Riley and Casey started slapping each other,"What a bunch of creeps..."Tom muttered annoyed.

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