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I was really fluttered that he confessed to me...I-i don't know what to say actually...
Tom looked at me confused “Psst...Don't you want some octodogs??”He asked,I nodded and grabbed one on the plate.I quietly ate while staring at the ground,Tom was so confused that he poured some water on my face “W-what was that for?!”I asked while screaming “I thought you were traumatized for a moment...Sorry”He laughed.I huffed as i walk towards the bathroom,I was stopped by this “Tord” guy “Hey you,what's your relationship with Tom?”He asked as he shove me down.

“What the hell is your problem?I'm just his friend horn dude”I said as i tried to get up from the hard wood floor,He “tch'ed” and walked away “The fuck is his problem?”I murmured as i dust myself.Casey walked over to me confused “Hey,What happened?”He asked as he grabbed me up like a baby,I began to turn red and sweat“U-uhm,N-nothing...!”I said as i ran towards the bathroom slamming the door.I huffed as i look in the mirror “What the fuck...?”

What's his deal?Anyways i walk over to Tom to see that three dudes and a girl circled him “Uh hey Tom?What's with the ritual circle stuff?”I asked,He turned around and ran over to me “I-i don't know...”He said.I walk over to the girl wanting to ask something but when i walked over to her she quickly punch my chest flewing me to the wall “Ow...Jesus Christ...”I said as i scratch my back “Casey!”Tom screamed as he ran over to me “Sorry Bud,Didn't mean to!Just a force of habit”She laughed,“Are you okay!?”Tom said worringly.

Liken walked out off the bathroom seeing the scene play out,After a couple of seconds blinking he began to panic “Jesus Christ!Casey are you okay?!”He cried,“I'm fine i guess?”I said in reply.I tried to stand up only to feel pain in my back “Shit”I muttered,Tom and Liken assisted me in the couch placing hundreds of pillow over me.

“Jeez too many pillows...”I said,Liken laid next to me as he hugged me “Yup too warm...”I laughed.


Tom stood there confused as his four friends walked him over to the kitchen,Tom sat down at one of the chairs as the four sat down too.
“Tom.”Tord started “What did you talk about in the room earlier?”Edd asked.Tom sat there blushing as he thought that his crush is Sebastian and he ships Casey x Liken,The four got suspicious as they saw Tom turn red and fiddle with his fingers “W-well...”Tom said not knowing what to say...“We were talking about our...Crushes!”Tom confessed,Tord glared at Edd as Edd glared Tord.Matt just looked at Tom who wanted to cry from embarassment,“Who is it?”Matt asked.

Tom tensed up from his seat as he was about to explode “I'm n-not telling...!”Tom said as the three glared at each other.Riley just got up from her seat and grabbed a icecream and some popcorn,She sat down next to Tom as she watch this scene play out.
Tord,Matt,and Edd began to argue of who Tom's unknown crush is “I'm pretty sure its me”Matt whispered “Hah!You think you're the one?Think again!I'm the one he's talking about!”Edd whisper shouted “You guys are jokes!IM the one Tom's crush is...!”Tord said in reply.

Tom is too oblivious to know what the three is talking about he decided to look for Liken and Casey who's cuddling in the sofa,He grinned as he sneaked up on them “Hey you two!”Tom screamed as the two screeched “I see you two liken each other~”Tom joked (Badum ptsss!) “Nice pun dude”Casey laughed.Tom was suddenly grabbed in the waist by Tord “What the-!?”Tom said in confusion “You two needs to know that I'M the one who Tom wants!”Tord screamed at the two

Edd and Matt gritted their teeth as they grabbed Tord in the collar and began beating up each other,Tom sat there in the ground confused like earlier “What the hell is happening?”

Continuation!By the way i was making a new fanfic then i heard “My Little Puppet”Is discontinuing and i was like “No...”And began crying.

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