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I walk towards her office to say good bye,It was quiet in the halls making my foot steps loud.I arrived infront of the metal door sighing as i open it slowly “Hey,”I started,She turned around “Sup”She answered.I sat down at one of the chairs infront of her “So?What do you want?”She questioned,“...We're leaving,I was gonna tell you later but i kind of rushed it”I said.

She just nodded and set her hands on the table “Well,I kind of had contact with black”She said annoyed “Contact?What does he want?”I said aggressively,She just laughed and stared at me “He wants  me to help him defeat you,I said ‘no’ of course”“Well,I'm heading to the dorms.Thanks”I thanked her.She nodded and shooed me out of the room.

I contacted Pau and Pat while walking towards my room,I waited a minute before someone picked up “...S-sorry boss!”Pat apologized. I was confused at the moment “Where the hell are you!?”I screamed,“W-we're kind of landing the plane”He answered “What!?You idiots!The plane will cra-!”


These little shits
“What the fuck did i told you??Are you two injured!?”I screamed running towards where they crashed “...W-we're fine boss”Pat explained,I saw Tom and the others where the plane crashed.
“Holy shit...”Tom muttered,I face palmed myself making my face red.I contacted my other soldiers to give us another plane.

“What did i told you!?You embarrassed me infront of Tom you morons...!”I screamed not loudly so Tom wouldn't hear us “S-sorry boss...”Pat and Pau said.

Edd and Matt laughed seeing Tord embarrass his self infront of Tom,“Hey dudes”Casey said eating a chocolate bar “What the fuck happened here?”Riley said confused.Edd and Matt explained what happened making it hilarious to the two “They sure are fucked up now!”Riley laughed.

Not so long before the planes arrived and land at the fields,Tord approached Yellow before leaving “Sorry for the plane that crashed,I'll pay for it i swear”Tord apologized,“Haha,No need.You're the supreme leader after all”She explained.
They said their goodbyes and waved until the plane left.

“Psst Tord”Tom whispered to Tord,“You really are stupid you dummy”Tom laughed.He just let Tord's face red in embarrassment.


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