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I woke up and only saw darkness infront of me,I tried to stand from my position but i was buried in fluffy soft stuff.I began to panic and started punching it until i suddenly saw light,"Hey dude,"Casey said as he held a coffee and gave it to me "Thanks"I said as i sipped the coffee from my hand "How's your sleep?""Horrible"I said in response while he laughed at my answer "That sucks balls dude""I know"

After that conversation i left the room and headed to the cafeteria where is saw none other than Yellow leader "Hey""Sup"she said,She assisted to a fancy table where it is hidden in the walls.We sat down and started chatting on how we plan on attacking and helping us from that scum Black Leader.Suprisingly we have a lot on common,She even told me how she's into girls and boys.

After we finished chatting she waved goodbye and headed to her office to finish some stuff,I took my chance and contacted Pau and Pat from the base.
"Hello-""Hello!?Sir!?Oh dear lord!Where have you been-!?"Pat answered in exaggeration "Calm down Pat,I'm perfectly fine,We just need a ride back home that's all"I said assuring the tall man,Pau snitched the phone off Pat "Sorry Boss,Pat's been kind of worried in this past few weeks,We'll send you an airplane sir""Good"I hang up the phone.

I walk towards Tom's room or our room to see if he's awake or not hurt,I slowly opened the door while peeking inside "Hello?Thomas?Are you awake?"I questioned,"Sir?Is that you speaking?"He answered,I sighed in relief and entered the room fully aware that he is alright.
"How did you sleep?"I started,"Not so great sir,Tommy isn't by my side"He frowned "We'll leave soon,Don't worry"

When?I don't want to be here,I can't stay here-!I-I could die!Maybe Black Leader will bomb this fucking base right this second!I need to get out!!
"Woah Tom,Calm down and relax"Tord said,"Relax?Relax??How do you expect me relax when there's a fucking war that is just started!"I screeched.

I began to kick and punch in my way even though my legs and arms are short "Calm down you gremlin,You're just need food-""Did someone say food??"Riley's face popped up from the door "You're hungry too??Come on let's go to the cafeteria!!"She screamed happily as she raced through the halls while dragging me,I screamed good bye before she became sonic.

I have no idea,Anyway i had free time to do this-And it's gone,I'll update again soon or later,Bye!

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