Chapter 4: "Starting to trust."

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"Just stay with me and I'll be alright..."


"Y/N-ah, I'm hungry... give me food~" Jin suddenly spoke up and looked at you with puppy eyes. You rolled your eyes but stood up nonetheless to the kitchen, you had been hanging out with them (hanging out, you mean like talking to them on your wall for a few hours... then yeah, that's hanging out) and you became comfortable around them and learned new things.

You realized that Seokjin was a food lover (but to be honest all of them are, you realized once when you fed them 2 hours ago and they devoured it in minutes but still), you realized the Namjoon was the leader and is very smart, Yoongi is very savage and sleepy, Hoseok is the energetic one and the maknae line and the 3 goofy ones that makes you smile at their little goofy acts with their hyungs.

You also knew that Jungkook, the one who looks like a bunny and his body could look like he could bench press all of them together, was younger than you by a year which made you feel a little jealous because how is he so tall (you reckon that it was the genes of his family or it was just the way boys are meant to be which is really unfair because all of the are towering over you when you look up and you really want to be taller too)

You were like a head below all of them. Well except for Jimin and Suga, just a few centimeters but they were still taller than you and that made you feel a little intimidated.

It had been a few hours since they transformed and made it to level 1. It didn't progress yet but you didn't care about that, for you finally had friends. Well to you, but them... you were not sure if they treated you as one. But you felt so much happiness that you couldn't care less, you were grateful for them because they didn't judge you on what you did before and instead looked at you with care that it made you feel giddy inside.

You were still wearing the hoodie to cover up your bruises and the bruise on your cheek was fading away since it was only a minor damage to your body. You planned to hide this secret of your until you feel that you are ready and the time is right. You still haven't got the full message of what friends mean to you.

For now, they just have to wait.

Your attention was suddenly diverted to the burned smell and quickly turned off the gas stove and frowned at the soup that you were making. It was burned to the core and it smelled like someone died in the making. You scrunched up your nose and threw at the trash can before cleaning the pot up and just decided to give Seokjin instant noodles.

You weren't good at good at cooking, yet you weren't bad either. All you need is to know how to make instant noodles, toast, eggs, bacon and hotdogs and you're set for life. You didn't need to know those super fancy dishes, because the purpose of cooking is to eat and you just so like to eat because you'd like to live thank you very much.

"Here you go Seokjin..." You said as you placed the warm noddles on the floor as they still couldn't touch you, and if they did they would be electrocuted, they learned it the hard way, specifically Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung.

He smiled thankfully at you before frowning a little. You became confused when you suddenly realized thar you didn't give him chopsticks and smiled sheepishly at him before quickly fetching a pair.

He smiled once more and sat on the ground and ate once more, not noticing all of the looks that he was getting and was focused solely on the food.

Jimin suddenly sighed and sat on the floor too, "I miss being in our dorm. It's getting cramped in here."

Jungkook agreed with his hyung and sat beside him, "I just want to go home..."

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