Chapter 2 <3

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~Next Morning~ Chapter two

 I woke up to something jumping on me I looked up to see an excited Susie staring at me “Wake up Snow! We got training today so let’s start early ok?” she said. Man I like her already. “Sure how about we go warm up ok starting with stretches” I said then I started stretching my legs and arms then Susie copied. After ten minutes of stretching I decide that we go for a jog. “Hm now since we are warmed up lets have a 10 minute jog ok?” I said. “Yea but why jog?” she asked. “Well you see Susie jogging helps you keep a steady pace and not go over board while sprinting will make you go overboard unless you have a steady sprint” I said. “Ohhhh I see that makes perfect since well lets go!” she said then started jogging. I jogged right beside her she has been steady for a awhile and only a few times she changed her pace. She was a quick learner all you had to do was have some patients with her. She would grow up to be a very strong wolf and when she learns how to use it her speed will be excellent. I decided that I would need to improve her speed first before we do any fighting. That way she will have quicker reflexes when she is attacked or if she is attacking. “Snow I have a question are we working on my speed?” Susie asked. “Yes actually we are how did you guess?” I asked. “Well first you were telling me about keeping a steady pace and in fighting you have to keep a steady pace right?” she asked. “Yes that’s correct great job observing Susie keep up the great work and you’ll be in shape in no time” I said. “Yay!” She shouted. After a couple minutes of jogging Susie was a little tired. “How about I teach you some dodging?” I suggested. “Yeah! That sounds great!” Susie replied.  “Well then one thing you need to now is you got to be quick. Every second counts” I said. “Now let me show you show basics” I said then showed her the basic moves of dodging.  “Now when some one is trying to pounce on you what you do in jump away but make sure you don’t jump forwards or backwards because if you do then well you’ll get pounced now try it on me” I said. I got into pouncing position and jumped she quickly jumped out the way. “Good! Now make sure when jump away that your back is not facing the predator too long or else they can get you from behind. “Like this!” a voice said. Then someone pounced on me from behind. I bucked him off and in mid air I twisted around to face the enemy. It was the Alpha. I landed on the ground gracefully. “WOW THAT WAS SO COOL CAN YOU DO IT AGAIN?” Susie asked. “Do what” I asked confused. “What you did when dad jumped on your back!” Susie said. “Maybe later Susie so how is the training coming along?” Alpha asked. “It’s doing great dad Snow was teaching me about how to keep a steady pace so I can learn to be faster!” Susie replied. “Well im glad your learning but me and Snow need to go hunt now” the alpha said. “Awww! Can I come with please?!!!” Susie begged. “Well I guess you can its only you but make sure that anything you see me and Snow do keep it to yourself ok?” the Alpha said. “Okay! I promise!” Susie said. “Alright then Susie chose who you want to ride on.” I said. “Hmm I chose Snow!” Susie said. “Well then hope on! And hold on tight.” I said. Susie hopped on my back and snuggled in my fur. “Ready when are Alpha!” I said. “You know you can just call my Ty since it’s just the 3 of us I don’t mind” he said. “Ok then Ty we’re ready” I said. Then Ty ran off and I followed. “Wow you guys are super fast you must have been practicing for a really long time!” Susie said. Of course I couldn’t tell her about her and my father’s powers so I naturally went along. “Yup but you had it easy while when we were kids the teachers weren’t very patient” I said. “Really?” she asked. I nodded “Well I guess it paid off I mean you guys are super fast how come the others aren’t like this?” she asked. “Well…” I said while trying to think of something without lying to much to her. “We were both from a very harsh pack and they threatened you a lot if you didn’t do certain things right” I said. Now that was a huge lie the pack was always nice and helping and most definitely encouraging I just couldn’t find anything else to say without telling her the secret but I new eventually that we would have to tell her. We had soon got to the hunting area but to me it seemed like it took forever with Susie keep asking question not that im complain but I was running out of lies to make. “We’re here. Susie make sure you stay quite wouldn’t want to scare the food away would you?” Ty asked. Susie shook her head. “Alright then let’s split then meet back here when we’re finished Susie who do you wish to follow?” Ty asked. “I’ll follow you this time dad see ya later Snow.” Susie said then walked a different direction. I felt a little sad but then that was over ruled with joy. No more lies! So I stalked around searching for prey then a spotted a big fat moose. I silently moved closer to it for behind. I was so close to it that I could just touch it. I was beside it now. The moose was fixed on eating grass which was a big advantage for me. I pounced on its back clinging on to its neck and back with my teeth and nails and the moose took off running. I quickly pierced its veins and felt the blood gush on to my teeth and into my mouth. I wasn’t a huge fan on blood but I couldn’t help but notice how tasty the blood was. The moose collapsed and I started dragging it to the meeting place. I waited for two minute then Ty and Susie came with a moose that was similar to mine. Susie was amazed. “WOW how can you guys do that better yet can you teach me?!” she said. “Don’t worry I will be teach you how to hunt soon as I improve your speed and dodging” I said “Yay im going to learn how to hunt like the Alpha and a member from his older pack!” Susie said. I looked at Ty sending him a look saying “I’ll explain later” but then I noticed something in his eyes happiness, joy, love and lust? Why lust? There must be something he’s not telling me. Then Ty snapped it reality then looked at me. “Snow I need to speak to you alone when we get back ok?” Ty questioned. “Yea ok” I said. We got the prey and headed towards the cave. Susie was on Ty’s back this time and I was glad I needed time to think about what the Alpha was going to say to me. We then got back to the cave. Ty told everyone to eat so that way we could talk in private. Then he motioned me to follow him to a deserted area in the forest. “What’s wrong?” I it’s asked.” Nothing it’s just that I found my mate and I felt the need to tell you” he said. Some how I was heartbroken he had found his mate. Something in me wanted me to be his mate. Im guessing it was the Luna of course but then he said something that proved my theory wrong “It’s you” he said.

SOOO sorry this took forever to get on here i had lots of school work and plus as you can see it may not look long but that is a ton of words! more than 2000 to be exact again ill udate when i can and also the story my not seem violent but im just getting started ;) bye!

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