Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

 I looked at him like was out of his mind. “W-what do you mean? I mean are you nuts I can’t be your mate because your mate is your Luna!” I said. “Lexy is not my mate you are and I picked her as Luna because I couldn’t find my mate!” he said. “B-but” I started. “Look I know this is hard to take in but you have to believe me im not the type that would lie about this ok?” he asked. I only nodded afraid of what my voice would say. I was overwhelmed, I was his mate. I was the ALPHA’S MATE! But then I remembered. If I was his mate then how was he going to explain to the others why the Luna wasn’t his mate but a total stranger was? And what’s the Luna going to say about this?! But yet what’s Susie going to say when her mother was not the mate of her father? “Snow please calm down you new soon or later we were gonna have to tell them our secret at least it’s because of a cause” he said. He does have a point me and my wolf did know they were going to find out sooner or later just not this way. “Look I understand that you don’t want to be my mate but-” he started. I cut him off “What? Who said I didn’t want to be your mate?” I asked then I snapped my mouth shut, he wasn’t supposed to hear that. Then Ty smiled. “Um you weren’t supposed to hear that” I said. “I know anyways lets go back I think we should go now I need to think on how im going to tell Luna about this” he said. “Ha good luck I think your going to need it” I said. “Heh thanks see ya mate” he said then he ran off. I sighed fate couldn’t have blessed me with a better mate and soon we will be together. Wait why am I thinking these thoughts I hardly know the guy and yet im fantasizing about him what’s wrong with me?! I ran off to go eat. Then I bumped into Susie. “So Snow are we going to do the same thing tomorrow?” she asked. “Yup be sure to be ready” I said. And then she nodded and left. I had a feeling these were going to change soon. And I was right.

 part 2

I has been a couple of months now since I joined the pack and training Susie and I have to say she has definitely progressed since I first met her. The others still don’t know about me and Ty secret and I was kind of glad. We would hang out in the forest a lot when we hunt to get to know each other better and sometimes Susie came with us to hunt. She has become a great hunter I taught her well. She really did grow on me the most. If her mother really cared about her she would be so proud at how strong she become. I waited near me and Susie’s spot were we train since her mother didn’t know that I was training with her and well she wanted it to be a surprise. Then Susie popped out the bushes. “Ready to go?” I asked. “Yup! Let’s go” she said. Then I took off sprinting and Susie followed after. She learned how to use her powers now so she was just as fast as me. Then after 20 of non-stop sprinting we started sparring. Then in the middle of our match someone jumped out the bushes. Me and Susie stopped fighting and faced the intruder. It turns out it was Luna! But what was she doing here! “What the hell are you doing with my daughter?!” she yelled. “Mom relax we’re just training” Susie said. Lexy glared at me. “No one should be training with my daughter except me and the Alpha that’s not your child!” Lexy yelled. “But mom Snow had to teach after all, only thing you did was ignore me and dad well he was too busy to teach me” Susie said. “See what you did Snow you turned my own daughter against me! From now on you will stay away from my daughter! Come on Susie!” Lexy yelled. Susie whimpered then followed Lexy but after she looked at me with an apologetic look. I was heartbroken. I wasn’t allowed to train or even see Susie anymore. She was like a daughter to me and now she was taken away just like that. I walked back to the cave sadly. Me and Ty had already got food from hunting and everyone ate except me. I wasn’t hungry anymore, especially after what happened with Susie. I tried to have a simple conversation with Mason the beta but I just couldn’t I needed space. I walked over to me and Ty hang out spot and I looked up at the moon. Oh how I wish I could just be with the moon to be free from all trouble to glisten into the moonlight. I heard a noise behind me so turned around to see Ty walking up to me. Then he sat next to me and also looked at the moon. “I think…. Im going to tell her tomorrow…. About us” he said then looked at me. I looked at him with worry. “Are you sure?” I asked. “Yeah I think she has the right to know I just hope she understands” he said “Yea hopefully well we better go before our cover is blown” I said. “Yea goodnight  ...mate” he said then he trotted off. I looked at the moon one more time. Oh how I wish mom and dad were hear right now they would know how to handle this. The I turned and walked to me sleep space.

Next Morning~ Ty’s p.o.v

I woke up next morning feeling nervous. I decided and told Snow yesterday I would tell Lexy about us. My wolf on the other hand was overjoyed that I would finally be with my mate. I myself was happy too. I was in love with her and me and my wolf both new that. We would spend countless hours together talking, laughing, and kissing. I remember the first time we kiss like it was yesterday. The way her soft plump and sweet lips pressed on mine made me go crazy. I had to hold back my wolf from just having my way with her right then and there. But then I was worried she wouldn’t like me after that. Just thinking about her gives me Goosebumps. Just thinking about her luscious body underneath me her hair sprawled all over the bed she looking at me with those seductive brown eyes of hers. We only saw each others human forms twice of course we had clothes on since we were a special kind of were we shifted with clothing. Then my mind drifted back to the earlier. I couldn’t wait until we could mate then we would be together forever. I new a while ago when I well made love to Lexy that she wasn’t my mate. I new before she decided to stay wolf in high school she was the school slut and everybody wanted her. I admit she had a nice figure but she just wasn’t for me. I met her when I had first formed this pack. She was one of the first females to join. I new sooner or later I had to find an Alpha female or else the pack would stop listening to me. She wasn’t my first choice to be the Alpha female she was the opposite but all the other females were taken already so she was the only choice I had. I told Lexy earlier that I wanted to talk to her in private and to meet up in the forest. I sat there and waited for her to come. 30 minutes later she finally came. And her scent was covered with other male were and cheep perfume like she was trying to hide it from me. Normal were’s would not to be able to smell it but special ones like me and Snow can smell it. “Sorry babe I was just out for a run” she lied. “Its alright I only came here to tell you something that you needed to know” I said. “Oh before you do I have to ask you something, did you know about the wrench training our daughter?” she asked. “Yea and why are you so upset about it Susie is a very strong fighter now because of her, she did nothing to you” I said. “You new and yet you just decided not to tell me!?” she said. I opened my mouth to say something but she cut me off. “And on top of that ever since the wrench came along you have been spending more time with her and Susie than me!” she yelled. Enough was enough I was tired of her talking about my mate and my daughter like that im going to tell her as if my life depended on it “Look Lexy the thing I wanted to tell is that your not my mate I chose you to be the Luna is because I couldn’t find my mate but now I found her and I will be with her” I said. Then everything was quite. Lexy glared at me. “WHAT the hell do you mean you found your mate?!” she asked. “Look im not a normal were ok im from the Especiales pack or in other words the Special ones. As you have heard from the stories we have mates kind of like soul mates basically. Snow is also a member from the special ones so basically what im trying to tell you is Snow is my mate.” I said. She shook her head. “All this time you kept this information from me and on top of that our relationship was all a lie! Know what there’s something I have to tell you Susie is not yours!” she yelled. I knew she was lying about Susie because she wouldn’t have my abilities if she wasn’t mine. “I know your lying but I also know that you’ve been cheating on me ever since you were Luna, perfume is not going to cover the other males scent” I said then I left frustrated. I looked back and saw that she had left too. I wonder were she went thought. Sigh something bad is going to happen. Soon, really soon.

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