Chapter 4 {long chapter}

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I was in the forest just clearing my thoughts when I heard a rustle in the bushes then Luna came out looking very p.oed. “You bitch you took everything I had and loved away from me and I had enough as Luna of this pack I command that you leave my territory immediately!” she yelled. I whimpered in disappointment but obeyed and ran away. I ran off as far as could as fast as I could. What am I going to do now?

Ty p.o.v

I felt a horrible pain in my chest like I was being stabbed many times then I realized something must be wrong with Snow! Then I saw Luna coming out the forest smirking. Of course she has something to do with this! I ran up to her. “What the hell did you do to her?!” I questioned. “Oh nothing but why worry about her when you should be worrying about making it up to me tonight” she said seductively. She battered her eyelashes and winked at me. I was disgusted with her then I realized that Snow’s scent is no longer here anymore. “DAD! DAD! SHE’S GONE! MOM MADE HER GO AWAY!” Susie cried. She fell to the floor as she ran up to me crying. “What do you mean made her go away?” I asked hoping it’s not the worse. “Mom banned Snow from the territory I saw the whole thing!” Susie said. “You bitch! What the hell is up with you cant you take the damn hint that I don’t fucking love you?!” I yelled. I didn’t even wait for a reply because I took off after her scent. “Dad wait im coming with you!” Susie yelled. I nodded then she caught up with me. I smiled at how much she progressed that’s to Snow. Then I found her scent miles away very close to the enemy territory there was no other way I could make it in time unless… I fly. I had to there is no other choice. So I stopped. Then Susie stopped then looked at me. “What’s wrong dad?” she asked. “We’re not going to make it in time unless we fly” I said. Hers eyes started to water. It was time I showed her my true power. I closed my eyes and relaxed as I felt my inner strength seeping out then I felt my wings burst out my fur. Susie looked at me wide eyed. “I explain on the way so hope on my back and hold on tight” I said. She nodded and got on my back. I was grateful on how small she was. I started running then took off into the air. “Alright I as I promised im going to explain things to you. You see me and Snow are not normal were’s because we are from the Especiales pack other wise known as the Special ones. Snow is my mate like on of those stories I read to you about. And the reason why you’re very strong and fast is because you have inherited my powers so now not only your physical and mental strength is better but your senses are too. But we also have other powers like super bark and super howl. And of course we can grow wings and fly.” I said. I looked back at her and then she smiled. “Im happy that Snow’s you’re mate you guys are perfect for each other plus she is like the mother I never had.” Susie said. “Well then let’s go get her back” I said. Then I increased my speed. Then that’s when I saw her. Snow was running as fast as she could. I could feel the hurt seeping out of her. Damn Lexy why did she have to go that low? I swooped down lower so I was closer to the ground then my back felt lighter. I looked back and saw Susie was gone then I looked forward and saw Susie tackling Snow. I landed on the ground next to them. “Susie you didn’t have to jump off my back to tackle her” I whined. “Sorry dad but she was about to cross the territory and I didn’t want my mother to get hurt” she said. “Ow Susie where did you come from the air?” Snow asked then looked at me. Her eyes widen “You told her didn’t you” she asked. “Yea sorry but I had to so she wouldn’t freak out when she was riding on my back” I said.

      Regular p.o.v

I got up from underneath Susie and stretched my back. God she pumbled me to the ground! “So why were you guys after me” I asked. “To stop you from leaving everyone and of course your mate” Susie said happily. I blushed “So you know about that to huh” I said. “Yup and I couldn’t be happier!” she said. I smiled and so did Ty. “So what are we going to do about Lexy” I asked. “Well we are all going back to you can challenge her for your spot” Ty said. “Yay! I can’t wait to have a new Luna and nicer one too!” Susie said. I smiled and laughed. It was all I could do, I felt so loved but why me? “Come on lets go back” Ty said. “Okay! Can we fly again please?” Susie said. “Sure why not whose back you want to ride on?” Ty asked. An idea popped into my head. “Wait a minute Susie how about I teach you how to fly? Would you like that?” I asked. She did a back flip and wagged her tail eagerly. “Would you really do that?! I would love that!” she asked. “Sure why not it’s easy” I said. “Yay!” she yelled. “Alright first things first are close your eyes and relax your body. Then go into your thoughts and think about your inner strength and you sprouting your wings.” I said. Susie closed her eyes and you could see her body relax. Her fur started moving then her wings sprout out of her back. “Come on guys lets go!” she said happily. “Hold on Susie I don’t have my wings out yet!” I said. “Oh sorry and also yay I get to see your wings!” she said. I then closed my eyes and let my inner strength flow out. My wings then popped out. It hurt a little bit because I hadn’t used them in a while. Susie started at me in awe. “Their so… beautiful! I wish my fur was you and dads color and not dad and Lexy!” she said. Ty gave me a look that Susie was unable to read. I was happy that she wanted to look like me and my mate. I new that look all too clearly. I had a very special power that deals with abandoned and mistreated children. Although it spoils them it all puts a smile on their face. Ty new about this and so that’s why he gave me that look. “Susie if there was a possibility that this could happen would you want to be my daughter and change part of your fur color?” I asked. “Yes of course you are already like a mother to me and if I had your color instead of my moms I would never stop looking at my fur! But why did you ask? “She said. I smiled and Ty too “Well you see Susie I have this very special power that can make that happen all I would need to do is do a special howl” I said. “Is that true dad?” she asked. “Yup I never really saw it myself but she does have the power” he said. “Well then Snow would you mind using the power in me?” she asked. “Yes I can anything for my little Susie but when do you want to change?” I asked. “Um how about now will it take awhile?” she asked. “No actually it’s pretty quick” I said. “Well then I would like you to do it now if you don’t mind” she said. “No I don’t well here we go” I said. Then I took a very deep breath then I howled as if I were singing a song. Susie glowed then rised to the air. The glowed covered her body so you couldn’t see her anymore. Then the light exploded and their was Susie still in the air with white and black fur. She was lowered to the ground. “Well how do I look? Did it work?” she asked. “I think you should see for yourself. Come on and follow me.” Ty said then walked towards the lake. Susie glanced at her reflection and gasped. “It worked and my fur it’s so… beautiful!” she said. “You are always beautiful my daughter” I said. “You mean you’re my mom now?” she asked, I nodded my head. “Well we should get going so you can go challenge Lexy then tell everyone about us and our little Susie” Ty said. I smiled because I knew he really wanted to say that for a long time now. So I jumped into the air and took a deep breath. It’s been awhile since I used my wings. Susie and Ty also jumped in the air. Susie was acting like a airplane spinning around in circles. Me and Ty laughed. Then Ty had started flying home with me and Susie following him. We landed a mile away from the cave because we didn’t wan them to know just yet. So we ran the mile to the cave. We saw Lexy barking orders at the annoyed members. “I am your Luna so you better listen to me!” she yelled. The others protested then I walked towards Lexy. “I challenge you Luna for your title!” I said. “Oh please don’t you really think you can beat me?! After im done with you im going to send you running back to your old pack! Oh wait never mind their dead because they want to see your ugly face!” she yelled. Now she most definitely crossed the line there. How dare she talk about my family! “Your going to regret saying that” I said then pounced on her and grabbed her by the neck. She yelped in pain and tried to get me off. Then she tried bucking me off. That did not work, nothing did. Her neck started bleeding because she kept trying to move me which made the bite marks bigger and bleed more. After awhile she stopped. “I... give up” she said. “I’ll take my daughter and leave” she said. “Actually she’s not your daughter, you may have given birth to her but she is not yours no longer. She is mine” I said She glared at me. “You liar! Where’s my daughter you witch!” she growled while she was getting ready to attack me. Then something weird happened. The whole pack growled at her and some jumped in front of me to protect me from her. I blinked surprisingly. Was I seeing things or is this really happening. “I the Alpha command that you leave my property immediately and never some back. You are no longer my mate nor the Luna of the Silver Moon pack. As for the others I pronounce Snow as your new Luna and my mate. Anyone who disagrees with this may leave with Lexy.” Ty ordered. “Where is my daughter?! Im taking her with me!” Lexy yelled. “Lexy stop calling me your daughter” Susie said then walked up to Lexy. Lexy gasped in horror when she saw her fur. “What the hell happened to your fur and stop using that tone with me and lets go!” she yelled. “Your not my mother Snow is. She changed me so I no longer have your ugly color on my fur! And I would never ever go with you, you lowlife!” Susie yelled. Lexy was shocked then she ran off saying “I’ll be back to get revenge just wait!” she yelled. Everyone was quite but you could tell the happiness in the aura they created. I looked at Ty to tell him it’s time and he nodded then he walked up the others to get their attention. “As you know already Snow is my true mate. I picked Lexy because I was afraid you would not listen to me anymore if I did not have a mate like everyone else. But it appears that was not the case. I am sorry I had lied to you all. But there was also something else I did not tell you. Me and Snow are not normal were’s. We were originally from the Especiales pack other wise known as the “Special Ones”. We have better physical strength, our sense are better and we also have special powers like Snow has the ability to give abuse, abandoned, and rejected children new biological parents. Me, Snow and Susie all have super bark, super howl, and of course we can fly. Susie inherited my powers and now Snow’s as well. We also use telepathy. Any questions?” Ty said. They shock their head. “Good now I present to you your new Alpha!” Ty said. The little kids then ran up to me jumping around cheering about their new Luna. Then the mothers came and congratulated me. Then everybody else did the same. Mason gave me one of those looks saying “Good luck im proud of you!” Ty walked up to me and nuzzled his nose on my neck. After saying goodnight to everyone we walked to our hang out spot. Ty shifted to his human form and sat down against a tree. I did the same and sat next to him. He looked at me then kissed me on the lips. He is always so passionate when he kisses me. I feel like im melting at his touch. I tangled my fingers in his back silky hair. His toned arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him. His tongue was exploring every part of my mouth and I couldn’t help but moan. He then breaks the kiss and looks at the moon. He had set me on his lap and took a deep breath. I looked at him worried “What’s wrong Ty?” I asked him. “What? Oh nothing im just trying to calm myself so my wolf wont take over and have its way with you” he said shyly. I hugged him tightly. “Awww your such a gentlemen! But you know if you want me you can have me” I said. He groaned as he got hard and I giggled. “Sorry didn’t mean to get you hard!” I said. He put me on the grass gently then shifted back to his wolf form. I shifted too. “Come on lets go back before the others start worrying.” He said then started walking. I nodded and followed. I looked at the glistening moon and thanked god for giving me such a wonder mate.

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