CHapterrr nine i think?

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Tylers povs~

I watched as she run into the distance and her figure disapears. I sighed why did I have to act like such an ass this is exactly what he wants. I hear several whimpers in the background so I turn around to find almost everyone in the pack looking depresed. Had they really missed their Luna that much?

  "Why did Luna have to leave she was the best luna we had and will ever have" one of the female wolves said.

"I agree she was very skilled but she was kind and sweet" Mason said.

"Yea i mean look at Susie ! She used to be a scrawny little pup who didnt even know how to fight and now she stronger than probably all of us put together" a male said

"I heard every day they would wake up early just to go full speed sprinting for 20 minutes straight and still have the energy to sparr and hunt as well." a female said.

"It's just a shame we have to lose her because our alpha is such a dick" another male replied.


"Pfft what ever alpha" a female said sarcasticly

"I wonder if the Luna will join another pack" Mason said

"Heck if she does then ill go join that pack too" another female wolf said.

"Yea me two!" another said.

I watched in horror as my pack talked about leaving. Mason walked up to me.

"Hey dont worry ill stay by you no matter how much of a ass you made yourself to look ." he said patting my shoulder.

"Thanks Mase." I said sarcasticly.

He laughed "Anytime bro"


"So mister Alpha what do you plan on doing now?" I said trotting beside him

He chuckled "You know I am your true mate so you can call me Jason or whatevere your heart desires" he said.

"Hmm okay Jase" I said whike in deep thought. So basicly my whole mate thing has been a lie yet my (secondary) mate decides not to tell me? WHAT THE FUCK!

"Luna you okay?" Jase asked me concerned

"Yea im fine..wait why did you call me Luna? My name is Asheley" I said confused.

"Oh sorry didnt know you didnt like the name" he said a little hurt.

"No no its fine im just not used to it you know?" I said

He smiled "Well then you might want to work on that"


"You'll see"

So we entered his territory and we were surronded by wolves. I instantly got into attack mode ready to fight.

"Enough this is your Luna!" Jase ordered. It seems like once he said the "Luna" they instant new who I was. I little crowd of pups came rushing towarsd me excited.

"Are you really her? Our Luna?" one said.

"She must be her fur is really pretty!"

"Are you a special one like us?"

I felt my head spin form the kids shooting questions at me.

"Enough little pups give your Luna some air okay? She had a long day and she needs some rest" Jase said leading me into a isolated cave. Their camp is alot different from my other one, insted of one big cave they made a series of minature ones.

"Asheley can you shift human please?" Jase said already shifted. I nod and did as he asked. He reached his hand over to my neck and i instantly back away.

"Asheley relax im not trying to kill you I just want to see the mark he left on you is that ok?" he asked

I slowly nod my head and angled my head for him to get a better look. I heard a muffled growl but i ignored it.

"I wish..I wish I could have found you first. I wish I could have been your first to make love to you but he took it away from me" he said sightly tracing my mark that sent sparks all over my skin. So this is how it feels to know who your real mate is?

"Luna I have to ask you something important okay?" he said looking me start in the eye.

"Go ahead Jase"

"Well you see I...I "

"Go on say it"

"I want you to stay with me and be my lover" he said slightly blushing. I blushed too.

His lover? Stay with him? But I thought since Ty marked me I belonged to him.

"Ty's mark on you is only temporary although at anytime I can get rid of it for you. But if you let me mark you it will be enternal. Do you understand?"

"Yes and Jase I havea question. I will stay with you but I just have one request"

"Anything you want"

"Mark me"

Jase's eyes widen

"You want me to what?!" he said shocked.

"Mark.Me.U.Dumbass!" i said slower

He smiled "I heard what you said the first time I just didnt think it could be true"

"Oh dear have you been drinking?" I said giggling. He then froze.

"Jase whats wrong?" I said crawlin closer to him and waving a hand in front of his face.

"Jaaaaasssseee earth to Jase! You in there" I said and then i feel his hand catch mine (the one that was in his face.

"Luna as much as I love you being this close to me but unless you want the whole village hearing you scream my name I would advise you to back away from me" he said letting my hand go. I immidietly scoot as far as I could away from him. He took a couple of deep breaths then smiled.

"Phew I almost lost it back there thanks for listening I really didnt want to take advantage of you like that" he said

"How sweet"

He chuckled "Believe me im nowhere near nice as you think" he said and winked at me.

"Jase! Im shocked your already started the sex jokes" I said

"Well I cant help it if I have the sexiest mate alive"

"AW cute where is she?" I said looking around

He laughed "well actually she's right about here" he said pressing his lips against mine.

Suddenly there was a loud explosion and then a growl. Me and Jase turn to see...



here ya go another chapter again i know there are alot of errors and i plan on going over them once I finish the story anywhos bye!

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