Chapter Two- The Keeper's Pain

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        A few months have passed and Lykon and I have been hanging out, the girls in my "circle" always make jokes about him. I personally do my best to ignore them, change the subject. A lot of them poke at me and ask if I "like" him, of course I say no but the thought of something happening between us like that  has crossed my mind. I mean, of course it has. We hang out all the time, whether in the real world or dream realm. He's been really helpful sense...Dani...did what he did. My training has been going quite smoothly, and somewhat rapidly. But seeing how rapidly my training has been going thus far it's had to get harder by the moment.

    "Hey, you ok?" Asks Lykon, sliding onto the thin, metal bench beside me. Sorrowfully, I lean over, resting my head on his right shoulder. He shifts his arm so that his right hand is placed on my upper arm. 

    "No...I'm not..." I murmured. He pulls me closer to him as I finish my sentence, tucking his arm closer to the crook of my elbow. I look down the sidewalk to see a teenage boy walking our way, a shine of grease bouncing of his newly purchased leather jacket. As he walks past us, I notice the pack of cigarettes sticking out of his pocket. Lykon's eyes follow the boy until he enters the school.

    "Ly? Something...wrong?" I ask, tugging slightly, on his teal ombre t-shirt.  He glances down at me, a simple smirk causing the corners of his mouth to turn up, as if he's trying to tease me without having to utter a single word. I tug harder on his shirt, almost pulling his face down to mine. There's a gleam in his eyes that I know all to well, seeing as it's the same gleam that appeared when a sudden darkness started to take over the dream realm.

    "Tell me what's wrong. I can see it in your eyes." I whisper, staring deep into his sapphire eyes, worry easily seen to those who know him well. 

     "That dude just gave me an terrible vibe. I didn't like the way he looked at you when he was first walking up, you were busy snuggling against me." He explains back to me, knowing that I won't give it up until he tells me. I fully understand why he got a terrible vibe from the new kid. To be honest I kind of did to, it is like the same one I got when that darkness started making it's way in MY realm. The realm I'm supposed to protect. This feeling, it makes me sick.

   A few hours later in the quietness of my old treehouse that is settled off in one of the many trees that fill the park behind the house we live in, in the suburbs of town.

    "Lacey, focus. I need you to focus right now! This is important!" Suddenly comes out of Lykon's mouth, a somewhat angry attitude surrounding him.  His frustration causes his typically sapphire eyes to turn a violent, fierce red, his magical side coming thru, worse then ever. I look up at him, calm as I can be.

     "I am focusing. I get that this is important." I say before asking, "Ly, is something on your mind? You haven't been asking normal since we saw the new kid."

    He looks at me, startled by my calmness, before quickly glancing at the dream keeper's guide that's sprawled across the rickety wooden table I built a few years ago. Gently, I slip my hand under his chin before guiding his head so he's looking at me.

          "I...I like you, and the way you were talking about that sounded like you liked him." He whispers, the brightest fuchsia shade instantly overtaking my cheeks and his.

    "I-Is it bad that...that I feel t-the same?" I whisper, quickly taking my hand off his chin and covering my mouth with it instead. He looks at me, his sapphire eyes expanding to the size of actually eff-ing saucers.

    "Y-You do?"

   "I-I mean...yeah." I mutter to him, as he pulls me into a tight embrace. I rest my head on his shoulder, slightly turning my head into his neck. Lykon slips his hands onto my waist before fircely tickling me which ends up with him in a push up like postion on top of me.

    "Get up, Lace, we've got studying to do!" He says, starting to push himself off of me. I grip his wrist and roll so I'm on top of him.

   "No. Sleep." I say, laying my head on his chest and tucking my legs under his.

   A couple hours later, when it's dark outside....

   "Lace. Lacey, wake up!" Lykon mutters, slightly shaking me. I quickly come to see a what looks like fire shining bright thru the window. Instantly I stagger to my feet, stumbling to the window. Flames are pouring out the windows of my families modern style home . Tears flood my eyes as my hand closes around the sapphire stone that's resting on my collarbone. Lykon slips behind me, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

           "We better walk around...I don't want you going near that. Come on." He says, slipping one of his hands up to grab my right hand and starts to pull me towards the trapdoor that leads to the rope ladder to climb down. Reluctantly, I follow him.

       As we climb down my Aunt, Delanie, rushes over to us.

         "You guys saw what happened right?!" She shouts urgently, still not to us. We both nod when she finally reaches us and Lykon grabs my hand.

   Be Continued...

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