His First Time Ice Skating

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Anakin: He was surprisingly graceful for never having ice skated before. You were expecting to show off in front of him but you were sadly disappointed when you saw he was better than you and you had been ice skating for years. Anakin would constantly tease you knowing you were irritated with him. "This was a great idea Y/N! I thought it was going to be more difficult." Anakin said with a wink and stuck his tongue out. You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes. "Oh shut up. You're only perfect at this because you're a Jedi." You retort. Anakin only shrugs and gives you a silly grin. You laugh at him and shake your head. He then comes over and takes your hand and you skate together happy to be with the one you love.

Obi Wan: You two were great at ice skating. You had constant races and even practiced lightsaber dueling before you realised that that was a bad idea when Obi Wan accidentally slashed through the ice leaving a huge gap. You were laughing so hard you had to catch your breath. "Good job." You say while wiping tears from your eyes. He looks at you in annoyance. "You know this is your fault." He says putting his hands on his hips. You do the same. "My fault?" You say with eyebrows raised. "Yes. If you weren't so good at dueling this wouldn't have happened." He said with a smile. You laugh and give him a kiss. "Oh well. Guess we'll have to skate more carefully now." Obi Wan laughs and takes your hand. "Yes and no more lightsaber duels." He jokes.

Han Solo: You took the pirate ice skating since you heard he had never skated before. You thought it would be fun and Han thought so too at first until he was actually on the ice. "I'm sliding! I don't like this feeling. It's unnatural." Han says shakily. You laugh when you look over and see him slowly sliding across the ice with his arms straight out to the side. You go over to him and take his hand. "Come on scoundrel. You at least have to try." You say giving him a little push. "Don't do that!" Han warns trying to keep his balance. "Move your feet a little." You say giggling at how The fearless Han Solo looked very scared. He took your advice though and tried moving his feet but ended up slipping and landing in the splits. You burst out laughing and covered your mouth. You quickly skated over to him to see if he was alright when he grabbed your leg and made you fall hard on your butt. "Han!" You exclaim slapping his arm. He laughs. "Payback sweetheart." You look at him and laugh as images of him doing the splits come back into your head. "Are you okay?" You ask trying not to giggle. "Thankfully I'm good, but no more ice skating for me." Han says before crawling off the ice. It takes you 10 minutes to stop laughing.

Luke: Of course since you were both from Tatooine, neither of you had ever gone ice skating. You were both very nervous and clung tightly to each other as you slowly made your way across the ice. After a few falls and bruised knees you finally were getting the hang of it. You and Luke skated happily hand in hand talking about anything that came to mind. After skating you two went home to snuggle by the fire and drink hot cocoa.

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